Inexpensive bore scope?


New member
Anyone have an inexpensive bore scope? If so, presumably its easy to see how well my cleaning technique is with it? How about throat wear?


New member
If what you're talking about is what I think you're talking about... There's no such thing as an inexpensive bore scope. Hawkeye is about the least expensive and those are up over $700 these days.

Saying that, if you go through a lot of expensive barrels they are a fantastic tool to own. I went in halves on one about 10 years ago. When I got out of Benchrest, I sold my interest to my co-owner. Not a big deal when we lived 5 miles apart... more of a deal now that we live 1200 miles apart. :(

Get together with 3-4 (or how ever many people you are willing to share with) friends and buy one... you won't regret it.



New member
Ahhh, you said bore scope and I read bore light.

You'll need to get caught up soon. If that's the worst misstep you've made all week... you're lagging waaaaay behind me. ;)
