Indiana Jones' revolver


New member
Does anyone know for sure what revolver Indy carried in Raiders of the Lost Ark? Its a big DA revolver, I think probably an S&W, but might be a Colt New Service. And what caliber is it?


New member
argh - I used to have a website marked that went into great detail about his various goodies... but here goes from memory (slap me if I'm wrong)

He had a S&W Hand Ejector in .45 ACP (basically civilian market version of Model 1917), and supposedly one in .455 (British lend-lease?) made an appearance.

Also was seen with the Colt Military contract production version of the Model 1917.

In most recent movie, had a Webly Mk VI supposedly modified to take .45acp in moons.

Do not forget the Browning Hi-Power in Raiders...

I wonder if he was supposed to have all the different M1917s, or if was just a props thing.


New member
i dont remember a Hi Power in Raiders. When did he use it?

When he was on the freighter, before the submarine scene, he had a 1911, i thought.


New member
I'm reasonably sure he had a Hi-Power whilst on board the ship, I could certainly be mistaken though.


New member
He had the HiPower in the bar in Tibet(?) when he went to get that one girl's help (forgot her name). Your also right about him having an auto on the cargo ship before getting on the submarine, but I can't remember what it was. I have all three movies on tape and was planning on watching them soon, probably this weekend. If I do, I'll post what I see.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
S & W Hand Ejector--a couple of 'em, because, remember, he was disarmed at the very first while in S. America. While he was gearing up to leave the country, he tossed another S&W into his baggage. I'm pretty sure it was a Second Model, but might have been a Third--

And there's no way to tell what caliber--Could have been .44 Special, .45 Colt, .455, or any combination of the three. But, in at least one place, we could see individual cartridges, without half-moon clips.

lonegunman--Definitely not a New Service Colt. N-Frame Smith, for sure.

No Browning High Powers in any of these movies--He used a 1911-style, both in the Tibetian bar fire, after shooting his S&W dry. One of the adversaries had a broomhandle Mauser. Dr. Jones also used a .45 Auto later on, on the freighter, when he gets up to see what's going on, about the time the Germans board from the U-boat. And, though it doesn't count as a sidearm, he used a panzerfaust as a threat.

Temple of Doom--Remember, he lost his revolver early in the movie, and never got another or his own. I just checked it out, and all I could tell about the one the girl dropped during the car chase en route the airport, it was a douple action, and was probably an S&W or Colt-Not a Webler.

Last Crusade--Definitely used a Webley Mark VI. I can't find my copy right now--probably loaned out. But I have no recollection of him reloading, and, failing specific evidence, I'll say his Webley was in original .455, NOT modified to use .45 ACP.



New member
The Raiders guns were Smith Hand Ejectors converted to take 4-in-1 blanks, and there were two of them. He does use a Hi-Power in the bar scene, and on the boat. In Temple of Doom, Indy's gun isn't clearly shown, but when Spielberg's wife loses the gun out the window of the car, a rubber New Service is shown tumbling to the ground. There's a website called "Indygear", where they sell repro Indy stuff, and have some FAQ pages. After corresponding with the guy, I agreed to watch all of the movies, and give him a list of the guns I could identify. He then checked my list with the guy who served as armorer for the films, who said my list was pretty much spot-on. There are a LOT of guns in those movies, and just trying to keep track of them is an adventure in itself. Keep your thumb on the rewind button.


New member
Indeed, very informative! The calibers I quoted are what I recall reading, I'm not good enough to tell these things in movies :)

Between this and other discussions, it seems folks agree on some flavor of S&W Hand Ejector... but the camp seems evenly divided between 1911 and BHP.

Anyone got a video capture card?


New member
I Know

::ahem:: as someone who owns the genuine Indiana Jones shoes, and is working on the rest of the collection I can say there is no better source than: They have more knowledge about Indiana Jones stuff than anyone else bar none.
He carries both a *&* Hand Ejector, 2nd Model, and a Browning High Power.

The website will give you all the history on it you want.