Indiana Gun Shows


New member
Obama claimed on his CNN press conference that people in Indiana were buying "carloads of guns" and selling them to street gangs in Chicago. I've heard the same, as we here in NC and our neighbors in VA have been blamed for guns that show up in New York shootings. Without us, they would be in Utopia.

I seriously doubt the validity of such a claim. Can some of you in IN shed light on this?

Even if there is a shade of truth to such claims, I still point out that if easier gun access was the issue, why don't we have equal crime rates to NYC?

Are IN people the regular standby villains for Chicago's problems?
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Bill West

New member
I thought the guns in Chicago came from DuPage county, the DuPage county gun show especially. Most of the shootings in Chicago involve the drug trade and drugs are illegal in Chicago. Where do they get the drugs? There is no DuPage county drug show. Can't the Chicago gangs get their guns from the same place they get their drugs?


New member
Every gun show I've been to in Indiana (yes I live here, north central Indiana to be more specific), I've had to had background checks (surprising I know!!). That and any private sale I've been a part of or read the ad of states valid Indiana license and/or carry permit will be required to finalize sale.

Not to mention the countless signs stating no private sales on or within the grounds of where the gun show is. Add in the security guards that actually enforce these rules.

So if there are gun shows where people are buying 'trunk loads' of guns as the dude in charge put it, I'd like to know where these are. Especially since I have a be safe to fill up.

r.w. schrack

New member
gun shows

lets see I've been doing the gun show thing since late 70s and only once was I offered a gray area gun, I notified security and had the guy removed.


New member
I watched a video of an interview between Megan Kelly and Chris W. Cox. If you don't know who he is, you should be ashamed of yourself for not being a member of the NRA. Mr. Cox is the executive director for the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action. Kelly asked him about Hussein's claim about the monster gun show loop hole and how a lot of guns used in crimes are purchased from private sellers at gun shows by the bad guys. Chris's response is that only about 0.7 percent of guns used in crimes come from gun shows.

We here in Colorado have had a law, for maybe eight years, that requires anyone buying a gun at a gun show, whether it's from a dealer or a private sale, that buyer must go through a background check.

We also have some stupid and practically unenforceable laws which were signed into law, a couple of years ago, by our Democrat governor that require background checks on some really stupid situations. For example, I cannot loan my brother my shotgun for a day of dove hunting unless he goes through a background check.

Three state legislators, who were big supporters of these laws, were recalled and lost their jobs. One was not recalled but resigned because she saw the writing on the wall. She resigned so the governor could appoint another Democrat to her position, which he did.

Elections have consequences.


Active member
Obama claimed on his CNN press conference that people in Indiana were buying "carloads of guns" and selling them to street gangs in Chicago.

So what if they are? Obama's refusal to enforce even the most basic border laws, immigration laws, and follow other laws is a clear signal that Obama's administration doesn't enforce laws. So, criminals commit crimes and Obama does nothing about it.

How many crimes are being broken when a criminal buys guns in one state and sell them to criminals in another state? My guess is that at least 3 first degree federal felonies and 6 various state felonies are being committed, if this is happeing. If Obama was serious about stopping this, he would empower law enforcement to arrest, prosecute and imprison those that are breaking these established laws!

New laws are stupid until you grow some "resolve" to enforce the laws you already have.


New member
Being from Indiana I have taken all of my guns and dumped them in the river to keep them from being sold out of a van in Chicago for cheep money to a drug pusher for 50$.
Let’s see 12 N frame S&W’s, multiple colts, several HK rifles and a lot of others.
I mean common guys what do facts have to do with anything anti gun people say. They make it up as they go along and the liberal press and a good percentage of Americans eat it up.


New member
I've destroyed my guns too....I don't want them to get sold to the wrong person!!!!

So every post now will be about the guns I had. I may make gramatical errors that may look like I'm talking in the present tents