Indiana CPL- So easy!


New member
I can't believe how easy it was in my new home state. I applied at the county sheriff. I hadn't updated my DL and the seceratary accepted my word on my new address. The license flow chart is different if you already have a CPL. They accepted that I had a MI CPL without asking to see it. $10.00, fingerprints, and I had the official application to mail to the state. $30.00 later and 3 weeks later it shows up. A piece of 8.5x11 paper with a the permit printed on it. Included in the letter is the standard recommendations aobut storage, the big 10 safety rules. Etc. Oh,yeah, cut on the dotted line and Lamination recommended. No picture or finger print on the license.
This is easier than getting my DL transfered. I need to take 2 tests (CDL) !This is the way is should be!


Moderator Emeritus

You can get a lifetime permit for $100. :cool:

Good to know that it's back down to 3 weeks, though. My lifetime permit took almost three months to show up in the mail; of course they were pretty snowed under for the first half of the year.


New member
The ease of getting a permit in Indiana is why my state VA does not accept them. Indiana (based on the state web site) accepts everyones. So a thumbs up for Indiana but it means my Indiana relatives are not allowed to carry when they visit. I would like to see our state do the same as Indiana and accept any valid state permit, sort of the state-by-state version of the federal reciprocity amendment that recently failed.