Indiana Carry Restrictions?

aikidoka - mks

New member
The only thing mentioned with my carry license is that you can not carry on a riverboat and that the riverboat must supply a secure place to store weapons checked by patrons.

I have seen online discussions though that say carry at schools is prohibited and possibly state parks.

How much say do local authorities in Indiana have in restricting concealed carry? I would hate to think I have to call every local police dept. to see what is allowed before I go anywhere but I dont want to inadvertantly break any laws. Also, how much authority do signs that say no firearms, weapons allowed have? The discussions Ive seen go back and forth on this. I avoided a place today that had such a sign posted just to be safe. On a slightly postive note, my date didnt realize I was carrying until I mentioned we shouldn't go there after seeing the sign. She actually had trouble believing that I was carrying. I carry my Walther ppk/s iwb near 4 o'clock with a defender belly band right now and had my shirt tucked in all day. What was even better was that she was cool about it :)

Now if I can just save up for a keltec p11 and milt sparks versa max II :)

Ben Swenson

New member
No guns on school property (unless you fit one of the exceptions - which are: LEO, owner of the land, school employee or someone dropping kids off).

Can't carry on a commercial aircraft, or in access-controlled areas of an airport.

Can't carry on a riverboat.

My license just says "NOT VALID ON COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT". Nothing about riverboats ... Funny, that.

aikidoka - mks

New member

Thanks for the reply. Dang that school property and use of property sure is freakin broad! and a class D felony at that! I certainly won't carry when my friend takes me for a tour of the university she graduated from. Who are the idiots that came up with that?!

My license mentions commercial aircraft also. The river boat issue was on the page that I cut my license from.

Riverboats are easy enough - at least they have to have a means to secure your firearm.


New member

The river boat restriction is on the large pink piece of paper, not on the license itself. The problem with that, I guess, is if you have had your permit for about a year and a half and have thrown away the paper you tend to forget things like that. Shouldn't be a problem I don't think you are going to be getting on a river boat any time soon. :)


New member
Something I've always wondered is the legality of carrying on a college campus. I do suppose it is a school... but it is largely made up of ppl old enough and responsible enough to bear arms... There should be no worries of kids bringin dad's revolver and having an ND or what have you.

The law is vaguely written.

Anyone out there have a good lead on the legality of this... as a Purdue Student it'd be nice to have a resounding yes or no.

KSFreeman... why don't you chime on in?

aikidoka - mks

New member
Yes I dont see myself going on a riverboat anytime soon. It is nice to know they are required to have secure firearm storage for those that do though.

You bring up a good point about purdue. I walk a lot and its a good thing I dont live near Purdue university in Hammond like I used to. When I did I cut through the campus quite a few times on my walks and the law seems to say that doing this while carrying is a felony!

Ben Swenson

New member
As a college student myself, the carry on campus is something I've researched.

The "no guns at school" law only applies to state-run schools (as far as I know, High schools and below). Meaning, as a student - someone who has a valid reason to be on campus - I can legally carry a gun onto university property. However, as a student (of IUPUI, anyway) I agree not to bring firearms onto college property. If I do, I get kicked out. Apparently, the same goes for teachers.
So, what if you don't go to the school and sign the agreement? That's a gray area. You'll probably just get kicked off and asked not to come back.

There's an article here that may interest you:

It's poorly written and badly slanted, but it contains some good info.

aikidoka - mks

New member
Well it is beginning to look like my carrying during a tour of a university or while cutting thru the campus is not against the law. Of course if I was asked to leave for whatever reason I would.

Now what about signs saying no handguns or weapons? What force do they have in Indiana when I have a license to carry? Seems to me if they should notice Im carrying they can ask me to leave and then I would. Then again maybe Im being to optimistic on that?

It has been nice to find out how effective iwb with tucked or untucked shirt can be for keeping my firearm concealed and still dressed comfortably.

Thanks for all the input everyone.



New member
Ah yes sensei Freeman

Knowing of your profession and location I was hoping you would have some "advice" or "anecdotes" or something of the sort which could shed light onto whether or not this whole PU Carry Thing is legal or what have you.

AKA - On the .5% chance someone could actually spot my concealed weapon - what could PU do about it. Would I be violating the law?

I'm not saying I carry on campus. However if I knew that I wasn't at risk of any horrible consequences I would probably be more likely to.

All my information points to "Probably not a good idea if you like being a student and not being in legal trouble" but I wanna be sure.

"Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6..." as the old adage goes.


New member
Tom- Just like Cordex said, we can carry on campus legally, but it is against school policy. So that just means that if I'm caught carrying on campus, I'll be kicked out. No further legal action would likely happen. I believe that if you're not an enrolled student, you can carry all you want with no repercussions.


New member
Mark- Why would you be asked to leave? Its legal so screw 'em. I'm fairly sure that they could ask you to leave campus only if the campus you're touring is a private school.


New member
Thanks "ronin".

I was pretty sure that was the case - but I didn't have any real idea.

On another note I don't feel too compelled to carry in class/on campus very much anyway. If I did/do there is usually a reason for me to feel such a threat.

part swede

New member
There have been 3 murders I know of on the Purdue campus in the past 6 years, and a handful of others in the Lafayette area (one just the other day and the suspect is at large).
Food for thought.


New member
Part Swede- Yeah, I've taken note. I especially tell my female friends to take note because of their illusions of safety.

Tom- Call me Dan ;)