Indian Self-Defense

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

Hope this link works as it is weird looking but it is probably searchable by topic on the Washington Post.

The key points:

Women cannot trust men for protection. Thus, they need to learn how to protect themselves through OC, H2H and firearms.

Interestingly, the government is producting that Webley type revolver for them and named it after a rape victim. It is pointed out that it is too expensive and hard to get a license.

However, the commentary by the women is telling and should be pointed out to our antigun Americans who deny woman the right of efficacious SD.

That is amazing how they can get it together and implement this instead of inflicting fear in women and basically flat out saying they're defenseless. To call 911 and/or soil themselves to turn off the male's libido.

Good job India.


New member
Glenn - you should have a professional interest in this..

However, the commentary by the women is telling and should be pointed out to our antigun Americans who deny woman the right of efficacious SD.

Looks like the price India is paying for being our paid support staff is an assimilation into our culture.

Prior to my retirement, I used to talk to a lot of Indian tech support people - I mean really talk to them, not just place a support call.
More and more, tech support phone calls became long drawn out day long, if not multiple days long, affairs.
There wasn't a whole lot to do other than shoot the breeze with the tech support people.