***?! (India under apparent terrorist attack 26 NOV 08)

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Long Path

New member
Whoa. I hadn't heard that the Taj was hit.

India is an overpopulated country with depleted resources and nukes, engaged in a cold war with its neighbors, undergoing vast political changes.


Expect a HUGE crackdown on the populace, which will of course cause reaction against the government, which is page one out of terrorism and guerrilla fighting.

Is anyone here really familiar with the state of private firearms ownership in India, for the common man?


New member
What faction is behind this, any ideas?

They have Muslim problems.

They have Hindu extremist problems.

They have class structure problems.

They have a neighbor, also with nukes, who hates them problems.

Take your pick.


New member
It sounds as if they were singling out and specifically targeting Westerners, primarily Britons and Americans, which makes it more likely to be an Al Qaeda/Muslim extremist-type plot. To make this firearms-related, it's interesting to see the odd mix of firearms used by the Indian police and military; so far, I've seen everything from WW2-era Lee-Enfields and Enfield revolvers, up through SLRs (FALs), and even some troops with their new INSAS (Indian Small Arms System), a home-grown mix of AK and Galil, built in rifle and SAW versions.
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New member
Looks to me like the pressure on Al STUPID by our Armed Forces over in Afghanistan has forced them to localize their mass murder for no reason BS and they have decided to start a 'dirt' storm in India.

Seeing as how India has nukes and Pakistan has nukes and the faction that started all this senseless murder will no doubt be tracked back to Pakistan and (likely through it,back to Afghanistan),all of this could wind up worse then it already is.

Make no mistake,the Indian authorities will not stand by on this nonsense.

We may see a war between Pakistan and India start over this stupid killing.

I only hope that the numbers of injured and dead start to go down.

On my way home today,the local news radio station first reported tens of people killed then hundreds and then thousands.

Our prayers are with all those innocent people harmed by this stupidity.


New member
As I understand in India you may own bolt action rifles only maybe some shotguns or pistols... But very very regulated...

More than one news report had them using large machine guns and rocket launchers.... I'm guessing thats not something you can buy legally there.

B. Lahey

New member
Firearms need permits over there and there are a lot more people who want them than people who get them. They were using gun permits as a reward for men who get their... um... berries de-stemed (population control program) and they had lots of takers if that tells you anything.

It must be hard to get a permit if people are willing to be neutered to get one.
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