Independence Day festivities

Harry Callahan

New member
In honor of Independence Day do any of you do anything that celebrates our 2nd Amendment right? As for me, I like to put on my NRA cap and go to our local parade hoping to give a thumbs up to the pro gun politicians who have helped preserve and strengthen my 2A right. Of course, I love to give the anti gun politicians a hard time by giving them a thumbs down and getting as vocal as I can. These people are not hard to find in Illinois! Gives me a strange sense of satisfaction!:D

Evil Monkey

New member
I'm thinking about buying a long gun around the Independence day holiday if I get the funds to do so.

Don't know what to get though, a bolt action "hunting rifle" or an evil black M16 assault rifle of death!:eek: :D


John Adams said that the day should be celebrated with-among other things-gunfire. I plan to do just that. Its what the Fathers would have wanted:D


New member
I'll be passing out and receiving weapons to watchstanders every four hours. Round eight thirty or so I'll wander up to the flight deck and watch the fireworks.

Yay duty. :barf:


New member
I go on a birthday shoot and generally mutter about how dare they declare independence on my birthday and how I don't trust insurgency lovers when they should be celebrating me. Alas I get lots of strange looks for having my British stuff on July 4th here in North Carolina. The joys of being British in the US on July 4th.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
"I go on a birthday shoot and generally mutter about how dare they declare independence on my birthday ..."

Happy Birthday (tomorrow ;) ), Limeyfellow!