Inadvertant Monday Purchase, Kel-tec PF-9


New member
There I was, minding my own business riding along on my Harley and I come across a gun shop that I had been meaning to visit. Why not go in and cool off? I start looking at the 1911's and quickly move down to the end of the counter where the pocket guns reside. I have been looking for something easier to conceal.

After palming a half dozen, I kept coming back to the Kel-tec PF-9. I was considering the Ruger LCP, but it was literally a two finger gun for me (too small), I couldn't see the sights, and I didn't like having another caliber to stock. The PF-9 was easily three plus fingers to hold, felt and pointed naturally, I could see the dot sights and it was 9mm. The price was slighly cheaper as well.

After wandering around looking at holsters, I migrated back and picked it up one more time. I bought it. Its the parkerized finish and a sweet little gun. I can't wait to put some rounds through it. I am able to conceal it very well and it is about the limit of size I would consider shooting.

Now I must fight off buyers remorse since I didn't really plan on buying anything today. How do you guys get over it?

Walt Sherrill

New member
Check out the KTADDONS site (at, which has some grip enhancement devices for the various Kel-Tec guns.

These items change the PF-9 from a gun that is almost unpleasant to shoot into one that's little different from a full-size model.

(If you don't plan to shoot much, it's not a big issue, and save your money -- but otherwise, it's money -- a few bucks -- well spent.)

Uncle Malice

New member
Now I must fight off buyers remorse since I didn't really plan on buying anything today. How do you guys get over it?

Go shoot it! If it's a good shooter, there's nothing to be remorseful about! :D

Keep in mind that the Kel-Tecs often need a break-in and/or fluff-an-buff to function reliably. Don't be too upset if you have some failures. I bought a Walther PPS pretty recently and while I do really like it, it's also a bit of a "nicer" gun. I am still considering a PF-9 as a little beat around gun to keep in the center console of the car or something.

Let us know how it goes!

Kel Tec Owners Group


New member
Keep in mind that the Kel-Tecs often need a break-in and/or fluff-an-buff to function reliably.

Really? i wish i'd known that, man. I got a PF-9 for my wife last Christmas, and it would get to about the 3rd or 4th round and not extract the spent casing. We just got it back from the factory after sending it back the 2nd time. she fired it, and said it works fine. Maybe it just needed to be broken in more? kinda hard to break it in, when it won't fire more than 2-3 rounds consecutively.

Uncle Malice

New member
I have not owned one, but I do want a PF9 and have read up on them a lot. It seems that they are usually pretty reliable, but I would still do the old "fluff and buff" treatment before I even took it out for a good range session. It should make it a bit more reliable and also make the trigger a little smoother.

Like I said, I have not owned one yet, this is only theoretical knowledge on what I have read.


New member

Mine has worked 100% even with hollow points. I like it a lot, and carry it 100% of the time. It is a new pistol - maybe they've corrected any problems? Perhaps mine is a fluke as some report problems. Might be earlier production models? I'd buy another in a heart beat. My main carry is a Glock 23 but the PF-9 always resides in my pocket.

Dave Krobath

New member
I have one and it is a lemon. Just can't get through a mag with out at least 2 problems. Lite strikes, stove piping etc. It's been back and forth a few times but still not close to being trustworthy. I like the PF9 concept but not mine. I heard others with great things to say so hope your one of them


New member
I've shot my buddies PF9 several times (50 rounds?) and am surprised at the trigger, and don't really mind the recoil. He can't shoot it for crap and I may end up with it when he finally decides to get rid of it. We've put at least 200 rounds thru it together and it's never failed. I know he's shot it 100 or more other times without a problem. I wish they could produce a pf40...


Some pf-9's have shown a likeing for 124gr and 115gr but not win. 147's so try different ammo to. My pf-9 has only had 124gr's run in it and never had a problem . Any practice ammo from blaser aluminum on up works great and i have run 124gr gold dots but ended up useing Hornady CD for carry ammo. Run 200 rounds of that to be sure it worked well. This is my primary carry gun and is pocket carried. Those smaller guns seem to get lost in my pocket and are slower to draw. I would buy another keltec today if needed. Some earlier runs had some problems but all other firearm companies should try to take care of any problems the way kel-teck does.


New member
A friend has one and it's a great little carry gun. I have always meant to get one myself but get distracted too easily in a gun shop!


New member
My KT has been fine right out of the box as well. Getting over buyers remorse is easy. Buy a more expensive gun immediately.


I like my PF-9 A LOT!!!! I have shot the stuffing out of it. 6k+ rounds in 4 months or so. No real issues until the 4th of July. I found a small crack in the slide. The blue on it was dirt cheap so it failed real fast. So it is kind of ugly with cold blue. I sent my slide off yesterday. So in a few weeks I should have a new one back.

The main reason I have shot it so much is reading of all the problems many write and talk about concerning the little pocket rocket. I have went out of my way and enjoyed ever minute of trying to make mine fail to fire, fail to eject, fail to chamber, wear the frame out. Make it do something ugly. I've developed my SD reloaded rounds for it, and they got a tad to hot with flatting out the primers becoming a issue. :) I have spent a small fortune shooting retail and reloaded ammo trying to duplicate issue others have complained about. It runs 90, 115, 124, 147gr FMJ, JHP and Lead like it was built for the task.

If on the outside chance KT does not send me a new slide. I will gladly go out at once and purchase a new PF-9 and not shoot the snot out of it in 4 months. :)


New member
I've had my PF-9 for a few months now, and I'm really liking it. It works reliably (for me anyway, when my brother first shot it he had some limp-wristing issues) and fits great in my front right jean pocket.