Inaccurate new Ruger

Bob Thompson

New member
I just came back from shakedown of new Ruger Bisley Blackhawk and was disappointed with accuracy of hardcast bullets. (.452) Hornady XTP's shot better (.451) The revolver seems to be suffering from Rugers too tight cylinder ahead of the chamber which measured .448. There is quite a bit of this discussed in the archives and I appreciate everyones input. However can anybody including Ruger give an explaination why this seems to be Rugers accepted practice? Even jacaketed bullets are swedged too tightly to be accurate and cast are even worse which in most of my other guns always seem to be more accurate. I guess it will just need the reamer but what gives Ruger? Anybody know a reasonable explaination?

Bob Thompson

New member
After pondering this overnight I think I have at least one answer to my own question. It would seem that swedging any size bullet down just before entering the barrel would help somewhat to alleiviate any small misallignment of chamber to barrel. However with the exception of full wadcutters most bullets are tapered enough to do this and it remains for the forcing cone to gently start the bullet into the rifling with enough size to contact the rifling fully. It also seems that lead has no memory so springback to original size will not happen either after swedging. Again in the archives most have found better accuracy after opening up chamber leade therby allowing the forcing cone to size the bullet properly. Am I still missing something?


New member
Nope, you seem to have it all figured out,
FWIW opening up my throats helped my groups substantially, don't have empiricle data but there smaller dangit.


New member
Ruger's are notorious for this in .45

A friend experienced it on his BH. Had the cylinder properly reamed and discovered an accurate gun.:)