In the year 2099 what cartridge, if any, will be dominant?


New member
Assuming all guns haven't been confiscated, outlawed and destroyed.

Will we still have the 9mm, .40S&W, 45ACP dominating? Will we move to .400 Cor-Bon, .357 Sig, 5.7mm, 9x23mm, 9x25mm, or will caseless ammo, and laser rifles in the 40 watt range be commonplace.

Seems that in 1899, there were a host of popular and common cartridges that are now considered antique. We've already seen the .41AE, 10mm, .357TSW, .50AE, 9mm Federal etc etc, come and either die or carve out a small niche.

I want to foster a discussion on technological innovation, NOT an RKBA, EOTWAWKI argument.


I can't say if any of the callibers we use will still be around. My guess would be one of the following.
1. Bottelnecked cases. Lets face it. A bottelnecked Rifle shell will outperform a strait walled case any day of the week. The same applies to a pistol. You get a huge velocity increse. Velocity = Harder hitting when it comes down to it. a .357 sig will hands down beat a 9mm or even a .40 in some loads. And look at rifles a .30 carbine and .223 shell case have the same diamater and almost the same length. But the .223 beats the .30 carbine HANDS down. Any Bottelneck case will Win Vs. a Strait necked case.

2. Caseless ammo. This could trully be the next big advancement in Technology. YOu have a lighters and possibly more powerfull bullet. YOU can carry more ammo and fit more into a magazine. I have thought a while on this and see it as a huge imrovement over what we have now. But it is a bit ahead in the future still.

3. Hypervelocity ammo/Railguns This will be the true advancement. If you get something moving fast enough and it will Destroy anything. The space shuttel has a hull thick enough and strong enough to withstand takeoff and reentry. Yet it doesn't take a very large object to destroy it while in orbit. WHy? THe speed. Now think what something moving that speed would do to a human. or a Truck. Even a tank. I would guess that a .22 calliber bullet moving at a high enough velocity would tear a person in half. so imaginae what a .30 or .50 calliber bullet at the same velocity would do. If you look at some of the Gas guns that The scientific comunity has built you will see my point. THey fire a particle the size of a grain of sand at obscene Velocities and that little grain of sand will cut through most things that they have put in front of it.

Now I could be wrong on any and all of these and it is just my opinion. I am tired and not thinking strait so anyone who wants to correct me please do.


New member
The ruling Clintonesque Chinese JBTs will have laser and particle beam weapons while the surviving sheep will have fecal stuff.
Our finely cared for toys will have been transformed into bars and barbed wire. Enjoy them while you can.
How's that for a cheerful morning thought :(?


New member
The dominate cartridge in 2099? .22 Long Rifle.

I expect most of the cartridges around now will still be around in 2099 - simply because the guns for them will still be around and folks will get a kick out of shooting them (just as many do with the original and replica 18th & 19th century guns).

On other fronts, I'd guess by mid century the caseless cartridge will have come into its own for military, police and civilian use. By the end of the century I'd think we'd still have caseless cartridges for the "mid-range" of police and military uses. The upper and lower ranges will be taken over by the "Star Wars and Star Treck" type of weapons. Non-lethal "stunners" - probably with the power source delivered right along with the payload. (really a "shotgun" technology - either in a handgun or shoulder gun - with the main advance being in the technological development of the "pellets".)The upper end will probably involve light or partical beams with sufficient power to disrupt molecular or even atomic energy bonds.

OTOH - if we make sufficient strides in genetic engineering and tailoring of biological agents - the .22 LR will still be the dominate cartridge - but those few souls left to use it won't have the technology to make any more when the supply runs out.

Just my opinion.

Jim Fox


Very good points Jim. I agree with you on the Directed energy weapons but I don't think thise qualify as a Cartridge. :) I think lasers will come and go for Land based use. They are to limited in an atmosphere. However Mass Driver style weapons and true Particle beam weapons should flourish. I Figure that by then we will have Space based fighting equipment. Early level warships and interceptors. FOr these Laser based weapons would be great I bet.. Balistic weapons would have limited use in a space engagement due to the speed and distance you are dealing with. You need weapons that have instant or near instant hit times. Bullets are just TO slow. Missles are also when you think about how easy it would be to counter them. Basicly large bore gattling gun style shotgun would tear up any guided progectile weapons.
Now once again Particle weapons would rule supreme I think. Mass drivers would be a huge mainstay also. (for those of you who don't know, a mass driver accelerates a projectile to the speed where it turns to plasma. Basicly a super rail gun)
NOw as you can tell YES I have actually sat around an thought this out.. I even did a paper on the future of warfare a couple years back. The first Country to get a Space based Navy WILL Rule supreme. Whoever it is would have the ability to strike anywhere at anytime. Why send them in frain aircraft and ocean ships when you can have an armored space faring vessel that could drop troops right on the enemy capital. Ok I have gotten off topic enough.. Anyone want to start a new thread on this :)

Hard Ball

New member
What are catridges? A pair of fully charged blasters is the way to go! Don't waste your credits on a Glock blaster. Their plastic frames melt when you use rapid blst!


New member
Tryin' to tell the future is like reading tea leaves for stock picks. Still it can be fun!

My theory.... Manualy (not electronic) fired caseles ammo in some ultra-high velocity round with little recoil. a laser sighting system ( already used in a limited extent by Russia) that "locks on target". A barrel of 14-16 inches( for a rifle).

Us non-eugeneticly bred humans will be the under-menchen unles we change things now!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
2099 - I don't give a crap. I'm carrying my 1911 cocked and locked with Hardball. Ever since they cloned Cooper and brought him back to life ...

Bet you!!

Also, all the weapons in Guns and Phasers will be great.


New member

Heh, have any of you guys seem pics of the atomic canon developed in the 50s? I once had a dream where my 9x19mm rounds had somehow using some nano technology been transformed into small yield nukes.(oh, lets say, equal to 50lbs of TNT/per round...) Seriously, each shot produced a small little mushroom cloud(about the size of a grapefruit) at the desired distance...

(sorry P-35!)I personally don't think that civilization with endure that long; I think we're heading the way of the old roman empire. The next 60 or so years of my life(I'm 18) should be QUITE interesting....


New member
The ammo will be caseless. The bullets will be made of cork. You will load by breaking the action down. There will be a movement to restrict the length of the string on the cork.


New member
Incursion: Sorry, if you haven't noticed the private automobile is under as much assault as the firearm, oh, for "emissions" reasons.

Sure, they can invent a great flying car. However, it will require more energy than you will be permitted to use.
