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Talk about biased articles!

It's difficult to know where to begin. This article portrays the Kel-Tec 9 as a "Saturday Night Special." The article creates the impression that police departments are conspiring with the NRA to foist off crime guns -- in bulk -- on an unsuspecting public. (Ignoring the fact that most police bulk sales of handguns are old patrol duty weapons that have been replaced due to being obsolete.)

One might almost think the administration in Washington paid them to write this hit piece.


New member
The Keltec PF9 is a very reliable pistol and it is accurate. I have a few thousand rounds through it with no failures, except when I shoot WWW. I have one that I carry about half the time. It is fun to shoot for about 15 rounds, the recoil is bad due to it being very light. It also has a lifetime warranty. The rest of the story is just about as anti gun as it gets.


New member
Not just biased, but based on lies.

From the article:
"The legislation is consistent with the guns-everywhere strategy the lobbying arm of the NRA has advanced at every level of government since the late 1990s—more guns in the hands of more people in more places."

There is no strategy to put more guns in the hands of more people. The only strategy is to vilify gun ownership by lies and straw man arguments. They make up a lie, and attack the lie. The only people saying more guns are the anti 2A making up lies about the pro rights folks.


New member
Quoting a gun buy-back organizer in the article (my underline):
“If we get one gun off the street, we’re winning,” he said. “That one gun right there, potentially, can save a whole community.”
[Large portion of article removed by D47]
“You’d be surprised who turns in guns,” Corpuz added. He related a story about one elderly woman who showed up at his buyback with nearly 30 guns—her late husband’s collection. “I used to break into people’s houses,” Corpuz said. “Imagine if I broke into her house. I would have had 30 guns. Me and my gang. Me and my crew.”

Or, you and your crew would be dead.

That's why it's good to have guns in the hands of private citizens, despite the risks of theft. Note the absolute lack of computation in this former criminal's thought process concerning the existence of a local police department as a deterrent to his criminal behavior. Now, re-run the scenario using the math of NO guns available to the average citizen. It's little old man/lady wielding a cribbage board against 'me and my crew.'

The question then becomes "Whose community are you trying to save by taking guns off the street?"

People who write these articles just don't ever seem to pause to think past "my view,' do they?


New member
Overall, I wouldn't count on objective coverage of guns by the mainstream media. I suspect, though, the vast majority of people in the U.S. are pro-2nd Amendment, at least when it comes to themselves; That includes people who say they don't own any guns but have armed bodyguards.


New member
g.willikers post #6---Wow. I'm speechless. The other articles the guy has written...the outright lies and the idiotic statements are stunning. And he gets published...

Please note I'm not at all for censorship, nobody is going to take your publications away from you, I'm just for 'common sense' journalism.