In fairness to TFL female posters...Why a handgun is better than a husband.


New member
A handgun barrel stays stiff all the time.

A handgun could care less about sports.

You can leave your handgun on the nightstand at night so it doesn't poke you in the back and it dosn't complain.

A handgun can be shot when you want, as much as you want, as quickly as you want, and is fast to reload.

With a handgun YOU decide where the bullet go.

A handgun takes up no space in the garage.

With a handgun you can defend yourself.

A handgun performs as well after 20 years as the day you bought it if you take care of it.

With a handgun you can actually stop and ask for directions.

You can take your handgun with you when you go for girls night out.

The gases emitted by a handgun are not all that unpleasant.

The noises a handgun makes are not embarassing.

You can clean your handgun when you want and if you decide not to it doesn't stink.

Handguns don't have toenails.

Handguns don't stare at your boobs.

Handguns don't gawk at other women.

It is easy to change a handgun to suit your own personal style.

You can take a handgun with you shopping without complaint.

When you go on vacation you can leave your handgun at home.

If you take a handgun with you everywhere you go, friends won't think that you are being controlled.

A handgun NEVER leaves the toilet seat up.

A handgun NEVER leaves hair on the soap.

A handgun doesn't leave dirty clothes on the floor.

A handgun doesn't care how long you take to get ready to go out.

A handgun can't drive a car and KNOWS it.

I didn't want to seem like a sexist pig, so here is a thread for the ladies. FIRE AWAY!!!


New member
Hey Jeff, just admit it you wasn't feeling like a sexist pig, you just knew when us women found that thread you men was in trouble, even though there isn't many of us, but what there is we can be dynamite. So you thought you better come back and be nice to us. But I can say you did well at describing your womens part of this, it was funny too along with your mens point of view. Enjoyed both. :) :) :) :) :)



A couple for the ladies. ;)

You may have as many handguns as you wish and no one will talk about you.

When you get a new handgun you know what barrel length it is before you take it home.

You can use it any day of the month with no complaints from it.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

Miss Demeanors

New member
A big high five to terridarri, Lady Dee, and DC! We rock! :D

Ok you guys were funny too, I must admit I had a good laugh this morning. :)


New member
A handgun doesn't use up all the hot water.

A handgun doesn't leave the vehicle in the garage with an empty tank.

A handgun doesn't loose the remote.

A handgun doesn't have to work late at the office.

A handgun doesn't have moose breath in the morning.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev!." We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism."