In defense of wild hogs.............


New member
Yes I know they have some serious down sides when they get to numerious but they do have some up sides..........

Brother in law shot this one Friday. First picture is at about sunrise can figure out the rest from there......and yes it was that good.






Staff In Memoriam
OH MY GAWD!!!! That looks DECADENT!!!

I may as well scrape this plate of redneck salisbury steak and noodles to the dogs... Don't have an appetite for this no mo'!!!


Fat White Boy

New member
I grind mine up to male the best Polish, Italian and breakfast sausage I have ever eaten... But I would gladly bring a case of your favorite brew to sit at that lovely table...


New member

I always look forward to your posts. really. Im sure you remember, because i ask you alot of dumb questions, being a city boy and all. So as with all the critters you post, i have to ask, how does hog taste? (lets count the "like chicken" replies:D) lol. I have heard the baby (not exceeding 100lbs) taste the best, any truth to this? How much did this bad boy weigh? I must say, actually looks damn good.


New member
The Boss at work goes south to texas or ,mexico,,Some where down there.Any how he unts Havalina(sp).He BBQ some at work i must say it was the best i ever had. He tells me it is not a pig,it is in a group by itself. Sure was good


Staff In Memoriam
Golden, I can assure it takes like EXCELLENT pork! Not that bland washed out no flavor crap sold in grocery stores from mega farms.

We have a small family owned grocery that sells small farm's pork... It is far better than walmart pork but not as flavorful as feral swine.

And if pork tasted like chicken, I would pass...:D


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Spanish "J": Javelina. Pronounced "have..." :) Different biologically, but we call 'em pigs. Definitely yummy-tasty.


New member
I really don't see how you're defending the wild hog?????? To me, I think you are using this post as a very clever way to mobilize the troops for an all out assault against the wild pig community. By the way, count me in. :D


New member
Hey ART--You have had them then?. I have to say it was better than any other pig or pork or what ever you call them. Can't wait till he goes back again.:)


New member
Now thats got me hungrey. I used to smoke a pig every week, was a side job. I worked at the pig palace , local stockyards. I would pick out a pig had a broke leg or something that would keep it from the slaughter house, paid 40.00 took it home and did it up, cook it 24 hours at 180 pouring a pitcher of beer on it every 1/2 hour, deliver it sat pick up the cash do it again next week. I was a younger man then :) and Dads bar got me kegs for 21.00 :)

I still smoke it up here, have done 200 lbs of pork butts at one time on my home made cooker. I can put 2 pigs in it.

Sure did have some fun at the pig palace :) learned me all about pigs, well not really, cousins have hog farms north of me......


New member
In my experience, the Javelinas are called Javali once you cross into Mexico ... they (the ones in Jalisco at least) tend to be a LOT smaller than the boar I've taken in the states ... I'm talking ~30 lbs typical vs ~200 lbs typical ... but they cook up nice and fast that way :D We've taken them in the late morning and had them for lunch (need lip-lickin' smiley here) ... delicious and tender are the operative words here.



New member
My question is,
Why the grill and not a rotisserie?
Is this a common way of BBQ'ing in your area?

I have only seen Hogs on a turning pole and used to crank them by hand in the campgrounds. Took more beer to hand crank too.

I would like to get our American post to do BBQ's again during our 4th celebration and give free sandwiches to kids. If kids don't see a good old fashioned Rotisserie when they are young they will quite frequently turn from it when adults. IMHO


Staff In Memoriam
Gbro, The "spit" is for use when cookin' hogs over fire and/or coals... It will burn the bottom and leave the top raw otherwise...

I am guessing that bswiv used only the "hot box" on the end to hold the burning wood and the heat is evenly distributed by the time it reaches the hog...

I have never had a spit setup and really just grill my pork with a little smoke wood added for flavor only. I will wrap my large cuts or whole small pigs in foil for the first couple hours... then remove foil to impart the dark color and smoky flavor. I also stab slots into the pork to add fat back and fruits/onions etc to keep this VERY LEAN meat moist.

But, again, I think bswiv's hog is truly smoked, not bar-b-qued or grilled...

Also, true bar-b-que is far different than grillin' and I am no bar-b-que guy as it takes far more time and fuel.
