Impressed by a Hi-Point!

I have to say I actually like Hi-points.( W:eek:W I know) alot of people don't care for them because of what people say and the price of the firearm, but they are not as bad as they are labeled as. Most people bad mouth them and have never even shot one let alone owned one. Hi-points are not and I repeat are not for people who don't like to tinker with stuff and have basic firearm knowledge because work needs to be done to them post purchase before going to the range or anything. However it does have its flaws but if you get past them its a fun lil gun. Does any body else have a good experience with a Hi-Point???


New member
Your opinion isn't as uncommon as you might think. Quite a few people report positive things here about the functionality of Hi-Points. I neither own one nor am I in the market for one, but I am glad that there is something available for folks who need a defensive handgun at a low price point. IOW, if it saves the life of a good person, ugly is OK with me.


New member

My suggestion is to try out their carbine rifles... their pistols are good (not great but not bad), fairly reliable despite what some may say, asthetically gross looking at times, but functional..

but their carbines on the other hand.. those always have been a good budget firearm. Many like the ATI stock, its an awesome looking stock, but has some long term function issues.. but the new factory stock is very nice and tactical with tons of rails and adjustment points.

I have the older 9mm carbine, its very accurate with the 16.5" barrel and affordable to own and shoot. I have a tasco red dot on top.


New member
hipoints are the dog ****s of the gunworld. they are heavy and ugly but they work and because they work I OWN ONE :)

lol...honestly. Yeah, as someone else just said...If ugly and cheap saves your life. I'm all for it. I'm sure they make fine truck guns. Better than nothing.


New member
I have been very pleased with my C9. It goes bang every time I pull the trigger and it hits where it is pointed at. It's reasonably priced and has the best lifetime warranty in the business. It's not that pretty and it's not that light but it's not something I'm going to marry so I don't care. I also like my little Phoenix HP-22, Marlin 60 22lr and Marlin 25 22mag.


New member
Even today you can buy a Yugo that will get you from Seattle to Miami. But you may look like a chump doing it.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Even today you can buy a Yugo that will get you from Seattle to Miami. But you may look like a chump doing it.

Almost as bad as someone driving an Edsel back in the late 1950's and 1960's? Or an AMC Pacer, a Chevy Vega, or a Corvair!! I think that Vega may have been about as reliable as the Yugo...


New member
Just ran some of my first reloading batches through my c9 and it was 100%. I was very impressed.

Had put the little circle rear site on, so adjusted it slightly at range and now is dead on.

Very good for such a cheap gun.

My only issue is that the trigger which is plastic is not the best in the world, but nothing really wrong with it. I only have couple hundred rounds at best so will probably improve with age.


New member
My brother has one and it shoots good! he hasn't cleaned it yet and it's been maybe 7 months with around 600 rounds or so. I am thinking about getting one of their carbines.


New member
We have one out on the farm.... And it has proven to kill snakes just as dead as our Glock and M&P. It does what we ask of it, and we won't be too disappointed if it goes in the lake.

Sent from my HTC One X


New member
Ive yet to see one of these make it through a CHL class or any pistol class without malfuntion. I will admit that the rifles did very well in the carbine classes. Hi-points are better than nothing and if thats what you like or all you can afford, at least you are armed.


New member
Ive yet to see one of these make it through a CHL class

What are the shooting requirements for an Ohio CHL class? How many Hi-points have you seen in the classes? Hard to imagine every single one failing in the first couple of magazines.

I've been teaching CCW classes in Louisiana for over 10 years, well over 200 classes. You're required to shoot 36 rounds into a B-27 target. I've NEVER seen any gun fail yet. I've seen people forget to load their gun, forget to take the safety off, fail to seat a magazine, etc, but no gun or ammo failures.


New member
In ohio we tend to go above and beyond the requirement. We go through 150-300 rounds per person depending on the class size (less people=more shooting time per person). 12 classes per year and a hi-point in almost every class. Are you really going to sit there and try to tell me that in over 200 classes you have never seen a pistol malfunction? Something doesnt add up there sir.


New member
Ive yet to see one of these make it through a CHL class or any pistol class without malfuntion.

One of the first questions our CWP class instructors asked prior to the shooting test was if anyone would be using a Hi-Point. They had a loaner Glock to use instead, as their experience was that jamming Hi-Points held up the class too much.

Of course, that just left the folks taking the test with never-cleaned .22LR rimfire pistols the opportunity to hold up the rest of the class instead.
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