Importing firearms and accessories into Canada


New member
Not sure if thi sis the right place for this question but if not, I'm sure the Mods will put it where it belongs.

I have been wanting to purchase some items though suppliers in the US (sometimes the prices are so cheap) but always seem to have problems due to them not wanting to ship items to Canada because of duties and tax issues.

Has anyone on the board had any experiences in importing these items (reloaders, dies, restricted firearms etc.) into Canada or shipped them to our fair land?

Comments, suggestions, help would be appreciated.



New member
Since I live close to the border I always just have my stuff shipped to a close American town and I pick it up myself. The border guards are normally pretty good with stuff like that. As long as your honest they don't hassle you. Now if you aren't close to a border crossing...... I don't see why you couldn't get normal stuff like reloading equipment. Restricted weapons are a little more tricky though.

Snow Dog

New member
Try to find what you want here in Canada first - it cuts down on a lot of the hassles. Start with - if they don't have it they can likely get it for you. You can also try for importing items from the US. There are lots of rules and regulation to be aware of so they should be able to help you. One other place that might be able to help is They can send things to Canadians for a price.