Important C & R Question ~ Please Help ~


New member
Alright guys...... I need some help here.... I recently applied for a C & R license and have recieved what I believe to be "the packet"

it included:
green FFReg Ref guide 2000
reorder form
a bunch of yellow transaction record report (over the counter)
a bunch of youth handgun safety act notices
nics check pamphlets
blue FFL manual
bunch of multiple sale... forms
Big blue State Laws and pulblished Ordinances - Firearms

the next day I recieved ..... THE EXACT SAME PACKET

is this what I was supposed to get?? what is the "bound book" that you all talk of? Do I have all that I need and how do I use it?
I know some of this info is probly buried in one of the volumes they sent.... but I'm hoping that someone here will be able to give me the quick lowdown on proper procedure..... there is an M39 with my name on it and I want to make sure I do everything right

Ed Brunner

New member
It's like this...

They sent me FOUR packets like that and about a week after I received the last packet I received the license.

Apparently you have been approved. So stop looking through that packet, the license comes separately.:)


New member
I got the license..... several weeks before the first packet..... the thing that bothers me the most is that there is nothing that says "this is what you need to do when you buy a C&R firearm: ....."
and where is the "bound book"?
I was under the impression that that was the thing that you really needed to keep records in.


New member
I just did a change of address for my C&R and also got FOUR packets of info, very little which concerns a C&R holder.

The postage was $6.45 on each of these, not to consider the cost of the paperwork itself, if everyone who applies gets this same amount of paperwork, I can see why the surplus is shrinking!!!

A good place to get a bound book is a bonus let them know you have a C&R and they will give you discount pricing on many things in their catalog.



New member
Thanks for the help guys. Just so that everything is perfectly clear..... I don't need anything in the packet? it's just information? the bound book is simply something that you put together yourself to keep track of everything? what type of info should be in it? ( I downloaded the book pages.... I'm interested to know if anyone found any other info to be helpful ) and I record all transactions in it, both the info recieving the firearm and getting rid of them?

Thanks again


New member

you are right, there is very little in the packet that concerns you.
You should however, read the green book on firearms regulations, especially the sections that apply to C&R and antique firearms. Once you have your license I don't believe ignorance of a section would be a valid defense should something go wrong.

You are right about the bound book, it is something you put together to put the required information in. Or buy the one from Brownells for 5 bucks or less.

As a bonus, if you live in a Class 3 friendly state, there are some full auto guns you can get with the C&R.

Here is the info you need for C&R collecting:



New member
If anyone has an extra FFL information packet (the packet with the two big books) they dont want, I'd be willing to pay for postage from you to me. I hate reading .PDF files when I want to find a firearm law. Email me if you are interested.
