Important 870 question


New member
I have a old 870 express that i just got used. It is a 20 gauge and is stamped Magnum on the receiver. It shoots 2 34" and 3" shells. The gun only came with a rifled cantiliver slug barrel. I am going to get a vent rib bird barrel for it.

Does the Magnum stamped on the receiver make any difference in what barrel i will have to get? Or can i just get a standard 870 express 20 gauge barrel?

Please Help!!!!

p.s If anyone has a bird barrel that will fit my gun i will buy it from you for 100 to 120 dollars.


New member
You keep asking the same questions from slightly different slants....

You really need to take the gun /and go to a local gunshop ...that is knowledgeable on your gun ...and get some first hand knowledge on the gun and barrel options - in my opinion.

Its hard for any of us - and we are trying to help you -- to keep track of what you have, what it might be, what barrels might fit it, chamber length - what you want to do / or what you should buy - to do whatever you want.....

You're even asking now - if you have a standard 20ga .../ there is no such thing as a standard 20ga.../ there are too many options out there on 20ga's ...which puts us right back in the swirling questions not really understanding what you have / or how we can help you from my perspective.

There are just too many variables in all this stuff for us to do this remotely over the internet ...and give you a straight answer.


If you can't take the gun into the store, at least copy down your serial number. You would probably do better just calling Remington with your serial number.
The 20 gauges that take the different barrel were made far before the express model was ever produced.. If it is express model then it definitely takes the newer style barrel... The old guns had a 12 gauge diameter magazine tube, that's the reason the barrels don't interchange...
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