Importance of training


New member
That's a really good video ... Might help some of my friends to better understand why real world , scenario training is so important to me.


New member
Thats the best video I have ever seen on this forum, or online for that matter. It shows the importance of knowing you weapon(s) and training with them in a manner that you might have to use it to protect your own life.


New member
Holy crap!!
Does Guinness keep records on gunfights??
My hat's off to that guy.
I'm glad he decided to work by appointment only. It seems like they weren't coming to rob him any more, but just to kill him.

vox rationis

New member
thank you very much for posting that, I've been looking for that video for quite some time

Lance Thomas deserves a medal for his single handed removal of so many thugs and killers


New member
I'm glad he decided to work by appointment only. It seems like they weren't coming to rob him any more, but just to kill him.
Yes, the gang does have a price on his head now. It's a shame he had to close his store front.:(. He has my utmost respect for sticking to his principles, even though it forced him into a tough situation.
I've been looking for that video for quite some time
I can't take credit for finding that one Vlad, my brother ( MrClean) sent that to me via email yesterday.
I was just surprised that the man was still alive after all the times he was wounded...his training was indeed a vital part of his surviving so many attacks. I pray it continues to keep him safe. All the man wants to do is run his business, and all the bangers want to do is kill him...just because he protected himself and others from their criminal 'buddies".
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New member
That will keep me thinking all day thanks for the great post../movie.
I run a tow truck and locksmith company,its nice to be prepared,and if any thing ever happens to me out on the street, I hope I will be ready for it..


New member
Outstanding video. Sad to hear that he has to live such a reclusive life now, but he's alive, as he said.

Some of the YouTube commenters are predictable, but sad. Love the one that said he chose to put some watches ahead of the lives of others.

Sorry, but I think the thug that walked in with a gun made that choice already.


New member
Love the one that said he chose to put some watches ahead of the lives of others.
Yea, some folks just don't get it...the gangbangers weren't shooting at the watches.:rolleyes: There's always one in every crowd though.


New member
Pretty sure Mas Ayoob did a write up too on this.
It goes more into detail about the the gun selection. Started with a .38, then got a couple .357s after shooting those empty decided that auto loaders were better. (9mm and 45, if I remember correctly) If find a link I'll post it.

Found it
However, it occurs to the storekeeper that his survival armory might need another firepower upgrade. This time, he decides to try semiautomatic pistols. He buys four, all SIGs, that operate the same way. One is the compact nine-shot P-225 9mm. The other three are assorted versions of the P-220 8-shot .45 auto.

For me this really drives home the importance of mind set. "Refuse to be a victim."
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