Immigration Petition on Bill O'Reilly


New member
Why is it that a good petition has to be ruined by asking for the president to use executive powers and for him to use the military on the border?


New member

This has the potential, if he pushes it on every episode of his show, to really take off. Glad to hear that people are signing it and sending it to their friends. I'm doing the same.
I'm glad to see this topic getting the attention it has deserved for years.


O'reilly may be involved with this issue,


THAT thing is an email harvester, pure and simple, would be my guess....mmmm, mmmm, spam!


New member
what would be much more effective than a petition would be a million man march on washington. a million or more Americans gathered to voice thier concerns about illegal immigration, MAYBE then the crooks er i mean politicians will get the message.

Jammer Six

New member
Can't do it.

Wouldn't sacrifice the rights necessary to do it, even if we didn't disagree on the causes and the results.

Have a good day!


New member
Good going, guys. This is an important issue and the only way to be heard is to speak. Petition on, friends......


New member
Good going, guys. This is an important issue and the only way to be heard is to speak. Petition on, friends......