Immigration and the Kennedy legacy.

David Park

New member
The article suggests what I suspected, that Kennedy and Moynihan wanted this for the IRA and Sinn Fein. I would still want the gov't to take a close look at those who might be "advocates" of terrorism, but it should be done on a case-by-case basis. Remember, just because someone somewhere might belong to a "terrorist group", that doesn't mean that the person hates the USA.

Never forget, also, that every gun owner here is a potential terrorist with an arsenal of deadly weapons in the eyes of certain people and groups (including the UN). Imagine the European Union declaring the NRA a terrorist organization and barring all members from admittance to Europe.


New member
Dangerous and wrong no matter how you spin it.

U.S. Law Says Membership in Terrorist
Or Advocacy of Terror, No Bar to Immigration
By James Barnett
The Week of October 8, 2001

A 1990 U.S. immigration law, sponsored by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D.-Mass.), instructs State Department employees that "mere" membership in a terrorist organization or advocacy of acts of terrorism should not exclude foreigners from receiving U.S. immigration visas.

Under the law as it is written, someone who belongs to a Middle Eastern terrorist group and has publicly stated a desire that the World Trade Center towers be blown up cannot, on those
grounds alone, be denied permission to legally enter the United States as a prospective citizen.

In such a case, the ultimate decision of whether to grant an immigration visa is up to a State
Department official’s subjective evaluation of a person’s knowledge and intent.

According to the official foreign affairs manual posted on the State Department website, the
immigration law requires that a foreigner must be denied a visa if he or she has "indicated
intention to cause death or serious bodily harm, and/or incited terrorist activity."

The department defines "incitement" as "the making of utterances, written or oral, which are
intended to arouse, urge, provoke, stir up, instigate, persuade, or move another person to
commit an act of terrorism."

But merely "advocating" terrorism, or belonging to a group that engages in terrorism, cannot be
used as grounds for exclusion. "Only statements that directly further or abet the commission of a
terrorist act may properly constitute a basis for denying a visa," says the manual.

A spokesmen for the State Department confirmed that if an individual generally advocates
terrorism, but does not intend to further a terrorist attack, that individual is "not automatically ineligible for a visa." Also, the spokesman confirmed, membership in a terrorist organization is not grounds for exclusion unless the individual in question "knew or should have known" that the group he belonged to was involved in terrorist activities.

"It has to do with intent," says the spokesman. "If you look at the regulation, it says,‘incitement is the making of utterances written or oral, which are intended to move another person to commit another act of terrorism.’ If I am a student in France, and I hate the United States and I’m sitting in my dorm room with five other people with me, and I say, ‘We ought to blow up the U.S. embassy in Paris.’ Is that actually intended? Do you think somebody would do it?"

The regulations actually contain these words: "tatements approving a specific terrorist act,
and asserting that such acts should be repeated, do not render an applicant ineligible."

Old Exclusions

Most of the visa section of the foreign affairs manual is based on the Immigration and
Naturalization Act of 1990, which lowered the national security standards for granting
immigration visas.

Prior to that, under the 1952 immigration act, aliens could be excluded if there was reason to
believe they would engage in activities against the public interest or the security of the United
States. Aliens also could be excluded for advocating anarchism, the assault or murder of U.S.
government officials, the unlawful damage of property, or for publishing or possessing material
advocating such activities.

The term "mere membership" in a terrorist organization was not defined by Congress in the
1990 act, so the State Department had to devise its own policy. The manuals that include the
State Department instructions are sent to every U.S. embassy and consulate in the world to
assist consular officers in admitting aliens into the country. Certain consular offices in
unfriendly states have special instructions on processing visas for foreign nationals. But every
alien must go through a name check, and nationals from unfriendly regimes go through a more
intensive check.

In 1990, a blind Egyptian sheik named Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was later convicted as a
conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, was admitted to the United States with a
visa issued by the embassy in the Sudan, even though his name appeared on the State
Department’s list of undesirables. This watch list consists of 5.5 million people who may be
inadmissible to the United States for various reasons, including criminal histories and terrorist links as wells as lack of funds or infectious diseases.

Senators Ted Kennedy (D.-Mass.) and Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D.-N.Y.) pushed the new
legislation through the Senate during the 1990 Persian Gulf crisis. The legislation was also
promoted by some Irish-American groups.

On October 26 of that year, Kennedy explained on the Senate floor: "The exclusion categories
are reformed and updated to end outdated ideological, medical and communicable disease

Dave R

New member
Thanks for posting this. Sure makes me furious. That legislation certainly looks traitorous in our current situation.

Kennedy's opponent in the next election must make sure that every registered voter in MA gets a copy of this article.


New member

My understanding is that once war is declared by both parties, individuals acting on behalf of one country within the other country's borders are liable to be treated as spies, even if they are only accomplices.

Thanks to Sam for pointing this out. I believe that members of organizations identified by our government as connected to bin Laden should be treated as spies and snatched off the streets immediately.



New member
sink or swim

there once was a young man named teddy;
ran poor mary joe off a jetty;
says ted "I love women, but this one
ain't swimmin'; call dad, get my aliby ready."

this "man" has absolutely no business driving a car, much less making national policy on anything.
the terror is that he remains in office and there's not a lee oswald or sirhan squared around when you need one. hell, i'd even settle for charles whitman.


New member
I can not take credit for finding the information with which I started this thread. It was sent to me by a dear friend and gentle lady who has seen it all with eyes open.
