IMI, Magtech 45 ACP brass


New member
Periodically I have noticed IMI and Magtech brass for sell from Widners and Midway respectively at pretty fair prices.

I have tried the Magtech 45 Colt brass and its fine. Takes a bit of effort to size but reloads fine for my Cowboy pistol.

Have any of you used the IM or Magtech brass for 45 ACP?
Are these good products?

The alternative is to buy a case of loaded S&B 45 ACP. Its not too much more that the seperate components. Tight primer pockets however in my experience.

As always, thanks in advance.



New member
I use IMI brass and love it. When all of the USGI once fired dried up several years ago and it is just as good, if not much much better!


New member
My experience supports yours - S&B brass has tight pockets. Otherwise, I can't really complain much about .45 brass. I mostly use range pickups with no regard for stamps. Occasionally I crunch one in the press, or split one while shooting. I've never really noticed much difference between brands.

For high pressure rounds like .44 Mag or .45 Colt, I prefer Starline.



New member
No problems...when I need *new* brass I buy a few boxes of magtech and fire it away pin shooting. Ta Daa new brass. cheap and reliable.


New member
I've had excellent results with IMI and TZZ (the same?) brass.

As for Magtech (CBC headstamp?), I've never had a problem with it. So far, so good.
Magtech .45 acp

I've just started reloading and using Magtech .45 brass... no problems at all. The primers fit well and the mouth expansion and crimping are very easy and uniform.


New member
I think TZZ is IMI brass made for military use. I had a batch of once fired TZZ years ago. It was excellent brass until I lost all of it in IPSC matches.


New member
Thanks for the PsOV.
I think I'll give the IMI a chance if Widners still has it.
And maybe some of the Magtech too. The price sure is right.
Take care all.