I'm the proud owner of a "new" 19-3!


New member
Went to a show yesterday and snagged a nickeled 19-3 2 1/2. Only later did I discover that the gun was listed on Gunbroker. You may view it as item # 221434958, the seller's photos are better than mine. I paid less for it than the "buy now" price.

What a nice piece! The finish is about 95% and there's barely a turn line on the cylinder. That's saying a lot for a 40 year old gun (I've pegged the d.o.b. at 1970) which, I suspect, sat in someone's dresser drawer for most of its existence. It has a very sweet double and single action trigger. I've dryfired it some since I got it home and it fits my hand well. I was a bit hesitant about it at first, I've always thought that nickel is kind of gaudy, but I like the way this one looks.

This will be my principal carry piece. I'd always thought of my Model 36 as earning that honor but, honestly, my aging eyes can't really visualize the front sight on that gun. No problem with the 19! I'll post a range report later.

Any holster recommendations? I'm very likely to carry OWB. I'm thinking of a Simply Rugged Sourdough Pancake. I have one for my 4" Ns and I like it a lot. It's tough, works splendidly, and is cheap. Also, the waiting period is only a couple of weeks. However, I'm open to other suggestions.


New member
I've got a 67/68 -2, that's really a -3, and it's my favorite carry gun.
I use a Safariland 518-08 paddle holster. It has a thumb break and the paddle is leather covered so it's more comfortable than plastic if it's rubbing against skin. I tend to use mostly paddle holsters since I frequently wear jeans with no belt and this combination is easier to conceal than I thought it would be. They run about $55-65.
I put a Tyler T-Grip on mine and it was a good match. Makes shooting full power 357 loads more manageable and added some 'meat' to the grip without adding to the profile of the gun when concealed.


New member
Wow, High Valley, ours sure are twins. Mine has a 1970 DOB, however. I took mine to the range this morning and was very pleased at how well it shot. Shooting 158 gr. 38s at 10 yards, I was able to put everything into the "9" and "10" ring once I figured out the most effective POA. I was particularly impressed at how smoothly the trigger worked. It enabled me to shoot moderately rapid fire, and I fired a few strings at 6 rounds <10 seconds. This gun is definitely a keeper and a user. Now, to find the right holster . . . . :)