I'm sorry to see this go, Rich


New member
I'm sorry to see this go, Rich. C&R Guys, join us at Parallax!

Hi fellow TFLers,

I've just read the sad news that TFL will be shutting down. Rich, this site has helped us all so much and there will be a big void left after the new year. I cut my teeth here as I started my collecting and this site never steered me wrong. To say TFL will be missed is an big understatement.

To those of you who enjoy the care, feeding, maintenance, restoration, and shooting of military C&R rifles to join us at Parallax.


Like this site, Parallax has a great set of moderators and we all share info, experiences, collecting, and use of military rifles in their original configuration from all over the world. We don't allow sporterizing topics as it's counter to our philosophy of keeping military rifles unaltered and as-issued.

I've read hundreds of posts here which would fit nicely at Parallax. So, please be our guests and check us out.

Thanks again, Rich. It's a sad day to read of your decision but understandable under the circumstances. I hope you'll drop by from time to time, too.

Molon Labe!!!

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