I'm sold! Kahr K40 Covert


New member
I was browsing around the local gun shop today and stumbled on to a deal. I've been considering a Kahr MK40 or K40 Covert for some time now and was checking the price for about the umpteenth time. Right there in the case was a K40 Covert priced at $462.95 with a sale tag reading "25% Off". I asked whether the tagged price reflected the discount and the answer was "no, we'll take 25% off the tagged price".

WOW! I picked up one of these for $348 and change! New gun, two mags, box, manual, everything. I messed with several other Kahr K40's - Elites, MK's and so on. The trigger on this non-Elite model is pretty darn smooth - close enough to the Elite's that I tried that I sure wouldn't have paid more for one.

Perhaps the covert models just aren't moving that well. Or maybe I'm just out of touch as to what these things sell for. I paid $540 for my P9 (with factory night sights) a couple of years ago. But, when I got to thinking about it, the concealment problem with my P9 isn't the slide length, it's the grip length. The K40 Covert gives me the grip length I like with a little longer sight radius than an MK. Went directly to the range, brushed and swabbed the barrel and tried her out. Shoots like a dream.

I couldn't be happier! :D


New member
Perhaps the covert models just aren't moving that well.

I think thats an understatement :)

I wanted an MK40 for a long time, but while looking I kept coming across real good deals on K40 Coverts but passed on them. Finaly I decided that the next good deal on a Covert I found I'd buy it and I stumbled across an MK40 Elite 98 for about what you paid for that Covert and I couldn't pass it up.

I bet the Covert is a little more acurate then my MK though. And its the length of the grip that makes it concealable, not the length of the slide.


New member
That is a great price on a great pistol. I thought I got a good deal at $389, you got a SCREAMING deal. I have the MK9, but didn't want one in .40 cal. The K40 Covert is a quite controllable small pistol. I love it. I loved it so much that I bought a P9 Covert just last weekend. Hint: The Covert makes an excellent pocket pistol with the short grip.


New member
We have NO decent gunstore where I live. I have to buy most guns off the net if I want a deal but then there is shipping and FFL.


New member
wun_8_seven: You guessed it! I bought it from David at Outdoor America.

We really are fortunate here in OKC to have several quality firearms dealers who appear to lead the country in pricing. Some give better service than others. But, if you're an educated buyer and go in "armed" with the facts, you're generally going get a pretty good price.

I watch the boards here, noting what folks around the country pay for their toys, and with few exceptions, I believe we've got it better than most where pricing is concerned.