I'm sick about the 'will of the people'


New member
I am so sick of people saying the will of the people. We need to do this to uphold the will of the people…. We need to do that for the will of the people….. the will of which people? Sorry to tell these bozo’s but the will of the people in this issue is split right down the middle. No matter what one side does, one half of the will of the people is going to be against them. I just wish that someone would point this out to the media. Sorry about the rant... just had to vent a little.


New member
Actually approximately 62% of the people voted in this election so it's the will of less than half of the people. And I don't think we should count all of the dead people that voted in Chicago or all of the illegal aliens that voted in Kalifornia, and Florida. So those that voted for ALGORE are not really as many as the media would have us believe.


New member
I agree Richard. When you hear the will of the "people" phrases like this come to mind:

Peoples Liberation Army
Peoples Republic of _________
Peoples Communist Party

The will of the people in this election means the will of the Democratic Communist Party. Once we understand their rhetoric we will understand their goal for this country. We cannot allow them to prevail.


New member
A phrase such as "will of the people" is the usual euphemistic gruel served up to the soccer creatures. Leftists, always having been masters of street theatre/agitprop, know how to tweak the senses of the mindless.


Gary H

New member
Clinton and "The Will of the People"

Com'on Monica. Now, it's the Will of the People.

But Mr. President, I thought you called him Willie!


New member
The will of the people also has produced many right wing
and facist horrors. Hitler was elected and majorities supported segregation in its time.

Be realistic - extremes of the left and the right lead to
atrocities and the people go along at first and sometimes latter.

Don't be blind to reality in your rhetoric.