I'm scared. I just lost my home.


New member
I do apologise for adding to the "TFL Closing" threads, but I wanted to say my peace.

I am very scared and saddened. I love this place so much. Everyone here is kind, polite, tolerant, intelligent, and insightful beyond words. I have taken so much comfort here especially lately, as I have been spending time debating on the Michael Moore forums. It is so nice to be able to come back to a place with kind, intelligent people.

I wish I could tell you how much I've learned and grown because of TFL. A million thanks to each of you, truly.

The thing that frightens me most about TFL closing is losing contact with everyone here. Never again hearing from the likes of Art, the concise wisdom of CR Sam, just to name a few, scares me.

I have skimmed through some of the other threads, and am pleased to see that efforts are already underway to find new homes and possibly create a new one.

I offer my time, money, and whatever other resources I have, to help in any way with whatever new forum we decide on.

I think rather than branch off into several smaller forums, that we try to stick together. We owe it to ourselves to continue our friendships. Our strength as gunowners also lies in our numbers. Yes, as individuals we can do a lot to educate other people, but for major change, we need each other.

Anyhow, I just....oh god....I don't even know what to say.

Its been great here, and I hope we can all find a new online home. Again, I am at your service for any help I can offer.

Man, how am I gonna eat lunch now?... :(


New member
I feel the same way!! :( :(

I just joined Gun-talk.com but it will never be able to fill the void from the loss of TFL...


New member
Logging on here this PM to find out the forum is going away was like learning that a dear friend had suddenly died. It was a shock.

No forum has ever been so polite, organized and informative.

Let's hope the new one lives up to Rich's standards.
www.familyfriendsfirearms.com is another option.

There are many options.

Unfortunately, those of us who in 2000 were refugees from Compuserve's Firearms Forum know well that we're going to lose track of some wonderful cyberfriends, and worse, the feeling of community, and even family, that goes an active, informed, board such as this.

I posted to Compuserve's board for nearly 8 years. I've only posted here for a little under 3, but the feelings are much the same.

No matter what, though, one thing is a give.

Where ever CR Sam chooses to "call home" in the future, I will be there to read his posts and glean wisdom from his experience.


New member
I feel your pain, Drjones. TFL fills a huge void in my gun hobby; the ability to share the sport with others. The only other gun-guy here at work retired, and the subject is otherwise taboo in my particular cube-farm. I can be fairly content fiddling with my guns, shooting, reading about new products, and buying ammo and accessories. But that is all solo stuff without good friends to share it with. TFL provides a campfire-like venue to discuss topics with people you respect. It sure has been a great place to hang out, chat, learn, and bounce ideas around. But most of all, in a world where I feel like I'm walking solo in my pursuit of what I feel is a vanishing neccessity, I could always come here, and listen in, and hear discussions from personalities I have come to recognize and regard as friends.

Thanks TFL.



New member
I sat my gf down this morning and said "Honey, I almost cried this morning... TFL is going to be archives only starting the new years.."

I know how you feel, but friendships REAL friendships are lifelong.


New member
We all found each other once, we'll do it again.

Oleg & Co. are working on it diligently.

Call it "moving into a new house" with the same furniture. Us tables and chairs will have to mosey on over and redecorate it ourselves.


New member

I like the "moving into a new house" thing. Although, when I think of that I get nostalgic. Even though it's a new house, I still get a little teary eyed when I think of all the people that I interacted with, all the memories....

I just hope that a lot of the people from TFL make the transition over to Oleg's new digs.

It will be difficult getting to sleep tonight. My mommy will need to tell me a story. :( to infinity :(


New member
Hey guys, I'm probably one of the people with the highest ratio of time spent/threads read to actual posts, and I know I came off like an ___hole sometimes when I did say something (witness the large frame pistol question I asked a few weeks back), but I was still here almost every day I could get to a computer, trying to absorb the wisdom floating around here. I was just following that adage of "it's better to be quiet and presumed a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt". I just hit 100, but this Post is for the anonymous lurkers.


New member
I know what you mean, Drjones. I've read these forums nearly every day. I'm a shooter, but not technically astute regarding firearms. I can read and comprehend the point/counterpoint debates of the numerous legal and political opinions aired on this website, but I cannot write them. I've appreciated the deep reservoir of humor that permeates these forums, but I'm not writing Hollywood comedies. The fight for RKBA reached its apotheosis at TFL, at least as concerns the myriad of internet web sites. It's been my pleasure to read and think about the words spoken by so many members who are devoted to the cause of freedom. But, to paraphrase runt, the sun will rise again. I hope I "see" all of you out there. Damn, Rich and his entire staff did one hell of a job, didn't they?