I'm not claimin' these "Texans"!


New member

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Gun registration supported in poll

Majority backs concealed-weapons permits


By Erik Rodriguez / The Dallas Morning News

In Texas, a state with a gun in nearly every other household, most residents
support the right to carry a concealed weapon. But an overwhelming
majority also supports registration and trigger locks for all handguns,
according to The Scripps Howard Texas Poll released Friday.

The telephone survey of 1,000 adults statewide taken from May 22 to
June 16 revealed:

62 percent believe they should be allowed to carry concealed handguns
with a permit.

46 percent think there should be more restrictions on gun sales, while 35
percent believe there should be no change.

63 percent favor restricting handgun purchases to once a month.

Three-fourths of the respondents said all handguns should be registered.

74 percent said all guns sold in the United States should be equipped
with built-in trigger locks.

The poll has a 3 percent margin of error, meaning the results could vary by
that much in either direction.

The findings have not fluctuated much since the poll was last done in
October, but the new figures should still generate interest, said Ty
Meighan, director of the Texas Poll in Austin.

"It is interesting that in a state known as a pro-gun state, Texans are willing
to see more restrictions on gun sales," Mr. Meighan said. "They favor a lot
of measures that you would think anti-gun supporters would favor."

The number of Texans supporting tighter gun control has remained
relatively steady, poll officials said. Last fall, 50 percent of the poll's
respondents favored increased restrictions on gun sales; in 1995, that
number was 46 percent.

Gun control advocates applauded the results of the poll Thursday, saying
that Texans' recent opinions are validating their efforts.

"When people are polled and we talk to them, we see that they're realizing
there needs to be some kind of government controls on firearms," said
Kristina Woods, executive director of the Houston-based Texans Against
Gun Violence Education Fund.

"For the most part, that's going to include handguns, and to us, these
numbers are not particularly surprising," she said.

Gun owners constitute 48 percent of all households in Texas, down from
55 percent last fall. It is only the second time the figure has dropped below
50 percent since the poll began tracking the statistic in 1985.

Mr. Meighan said that could represent the beginning of a decreasing trend
in gun ownership statewide. "That is significant, and it's something we will
need to continue to watch," he said. "If it consistently stays below 50
percent, then there may be something going on here."

But Randy Gibson, executive director of the Texas State Rifle Association,
said those figures could be deceptive because respondents may have
withheld information about whether they owned a gun.

"A lot of gun owners, because of what has been happening in this country,
are kind of wary about what people know," said Mr. Gibson, who
suggested that the number of gun owners in Texas should be higher. "I
would have to question their methodology."

The percentage of gun households in Texas is only slightly higher than the
nationwide average of 45 percent, according to an ABC News poll
conducted in May.

The Texas Poll revealed that outside of military combat, only 18 percent of
Texans sampled had ever had a gun pulled on them during a robbery or a
criminal situation.

Nine percent said they had to use a gun or threatened to use one to defend

The Texas Poll also showed that 58 percent of white households owned
guns, compared with 28 percent of black households and 23 percent of
Hispanic households.

According to the poll, the "typical" Texas gun owner is a Republican in his
50s, with an income of more than $60,000.[/quote]

¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page


New member
I saw that in my paper this morning. Frankly, I have to wonder about the statistical sample used by the pollsters. I suspect they spoke to a lot of suburbanites and soccer moms. I wonder if they even bothered to speak to anyone who lives in a smaller town or in a rural setting. Probably not.

This is the sort of thing that continues to make me distrust poll driven policies by idiot politicians. This is the sort of drivel they base their positions on. :mad:

It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Big Iron

New member
"Gun owners constitute 48 percent of all households in Texas, down from 55 percent last fall. It is only the second time the figure has dropped below 50 percent since the poll began tracking the statistic in 1985."

If you call me taking a poll, I'll tell you I don't own a gun too. Sounds to me like 48% just ain't caught on yet.

I know a lot of Texans, funny I've never met a one that thinks like the results of that poll. Odd, huh? :rolleyes:


New member
How come all the statistics are listed as a numerical percentage, until it comes to registration which says three-fourths? Why not 75% to retain the consistency throughout the story? Maybe it doesn't mean anything, but I found it odd...

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein
"Power corrupts. Absolute power - is kinda cool!"
Fred Reed

[This message has been edited by mk86fcc (edited June 30, 2000).]


New member
These polls also don't take into consideration which of the respondents are NATIVE Texan or furiners.

Pollsters and movie critics - birds of a feather.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The telephone survey of 1,000 adults statewide taken from May 22 to
June 16 revealed:[/quote]

Yea this is REAL scientific! In 1992 the population was counted as 17,655,650!!! And 1 % of that number is 176,556!!!

Can we get a more skewed and unscientific poll?

God I hope the liberals dont see this and say "LOOK LOOK! Texas is a large state! They want MORE GUN CONTROL AND REGISTRATION! Their poll said it was OK!!!"

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
While it is doubtful - samples of 1200, if done with appropriately sampling are adequate for reasonale margins of error. Or so the math says.

Anyway - look for another post on this topic by me to explain the results.

The registration question is complex and does not mean people are anti-gun. But I said this elsewhere.

Big Iron

New member
I just took an "unscientific" poll of my own. Of the 23 TEXANS I polled 96% said that, "Whomever(politely rephrased) conducted the Dallas Morning News poll should have those results....er.....ahh.......placed where the sun don't shine. Then we could discuss restriction of personal freedoms on a more equal field."

4% declined to vote, as they are not yet able to talk. This poll has a 4% margin of error.


New member
TMoney, you got that right. I've never heard of a native anti in Texas. Yet.

Beware the three D's: The dumb, drunk, and deranged. Chadintex@hotmail.com

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
If you phrase the questions properly, you can have a majority of TFLers appearing to support more gun control.



New member
The only thing worse than the polls themselves is government of the polls, by the polls, and for the polls. But that's a lot of what we've had since Clinton took office.

Anyway, here's hoping that the Texas Legislature still contains enough men and women who are proud of their heritage and who will vote down the gun-a-month proposal and other such bull manure.


New member
I wonder what type of play on words was used, I would never trust a gun-grabber to come right out and say what they mean.

"Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property...Horrid mischief would ensue were the law abiding deprived the use of them" --Thomas Paine, 1775



New member
To get results like that I'd be willing to bet that "statewide" poll was within 50 miles of Austin. In the words of Anne Richards "that dog dont hunt."


New member
Was gonna say the same thing Gopher... or at least taken down along 32nd street.. :( I but you dollars to doughnuts they didn't pole ANY small towns! Downtown Dallas... Houston... San Antonio.. and Austin... Where the liberals abound.

And no... someone calls ME on the phone... you think I am gonna tell them about any firearms in my home??? Not hardly.
