i'm mad as all hell

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so a couple hours ago my wife, and my neighbor and i drove across town to go to "the firing lane" to shoot. it is the only public indoor range to shoot at within 3 cities of athens, ga.

i've been a frequent visitor there for the last year or so. have gone there at least a dozen times and have also brought them customers. i've also contemplated buying a used ruger p89 from them as well, since it was only $250. but this time was the last time i'll ever give them my business.

being asian and young, i often get looks when i'm out shooting. those looks being more derisive in nature than anything else. but i'm used to people looking at me funny, however the man behind the counter really riled me today with his actions. when i approached the counter to fill out paperwork, he gave me and my wife the up and down look as if we didn't belong here.

i told him i had a shotgun and my 380 and my 9mm. in the past i was allowed to shoot the shotgun with whatever ammo i chose. however, today, this guy tells me i can't use birdshot as it "destroys their lines." this was never an issue in the past when i went when there were other employees behind the counter. mind u this was an older white male, part of the good ol' boys club.

this man then proceeded to tell my buddy that he couldn't use the range becuz my buddy smelled like beer. my buddy hadn't had a drink in 3 weeks since he couldn't afford to buy beer. a fact that i know is true. of course the guy behind me smelled strongly of beer, but they did let him use the range with no problem whatsoever.

every time that i'm at this indoor range, and i get this old guy, he always gives me a hard time for whatever reason he can find. i'm tired of this nonsense and i'm never gonna go back there. :mad::mad::mad:
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New member
Once you walked away, you lose. ...

The guy is probably an idiot and F-class student of life and yet you chose to put all your emotions in a paper bag and hand them to him to do whatever he wished. You don't need to learn how to suck it up and instead practice some constructive push-back. You have listed too many issues but the short of it, is to pick and choose your push-back. In the least, I'd talk to the manager and to walk away with your hurt feeling, is you choice. ...... ;)
Keep it on the sunny side and I wish you much success. .... :)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Take this how you would...I'll go on faith and accept what you say happened actually happened. Why would you allow some jerk get to you like that? And then vent it here in such a derogatory manner without actually addressing the issue with whom you should have from the beginning? Think about it my friend. And quote...
mind u this was an older white male, part of the good ol' boys club.
That's stereotyping plain and simple. Don't lower yourself guy. And I'm on your side really.


New member
I can definitely see this happening. The range by my house has signs banning people from speaking anything but English in the building because "You may be attempting to do an illegal transaction". I guess what I want to say but don't know how to put into words is that I wish that the gun culture wasn't so tied into the redneck culture.


New member
this guy tells me i can't use birdshot as it "destroys their lines." this was never an issue in the past when i went when there were other employees behind the counter.

Indoor ranges that i have shot at do not allow birdshot for that very reason

mind u this was an older white male, part of the good ol' boys club.

I am an older white male. What does that mean?

this man then proceeded to tell my buddy that he couldn't use the range becuz my buddy smelled like beer.

That is his obligation if not the law to provide a safe shooting enviroment.

If you truly feel that he was singling you out, i would do as others have suggested and contact management.

Hiker 1

New member
The gun world has plenty of jerks, know-it-alls, and losers. While this guy might be a racist, he might also just be a crusty old fart who doesn't understand the concept of the paying customer.

Take your dollars elsewhere.


New member
I'm surprised you were ever allowed to use birdshot at an indoor range. Not only can it damage equipment, but light shot has been known to ricochet back at the firing line.

Most ranges I've been to that allow shotguns only allow slugs; one or two have allowed 00 or 000 buckshot. None have allowed birdshot.

As far as the stereotyping thing, as others have said, you don't help your argument by playing the pot and kettle game.

You should take your concerns up with the store owner or manager, or else find a different facility.

BTW, while I know there are people who might look at you funny for being Asian, there are more who will look at you funny for being young - especially if they think they detect some attitude.


New member
My experience with indoor ranges was entirely gross.

Not due to prejudice, but it just not being an enjoyable experience at all.

Find a decent outdoor range.


New member
I don't even know what to say. I've met a lot of obnoxious jerks at gun store and ranges. Shooters do not always reach for the epitomy of gentlemanly behaviors, any more than auto mechanics or politicians.

I'm not afraid to admit that I am pretty judgemental myself, but not a racist. Being an officer at a shooting range, he has some responsibilities. Maybe he abused those responsibilities, and maybe not.

If you came into a place that I worked covered with tattoos, dressed like a punk, wearing anything that looked like gang ID or any other things that made me suspicious, white, black, or green, I'll point you to the door.

Maybe he was wrong; it's probable that he has some personality problems. I'm sorry you had a hard time.


New member
I have a feeling you are phatspeed from fsc? Am I wrong?

Complain to the manager or owner of the place.

I've never been to an indoor range. Seems odd to me. There's only public outdoor ranges here. There's also a gun club but I don't know of anyone that is a member,


New member
At least in my case, that's true, but I didn't want to say so.

I'm the scary old man down the block that has kids come into his yard on dares.

Picture clint eastwood in gran torino, sitting on his porch drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. That's me, except I smoke cigars and drink diet soda.


New member
At local range I have heard some pretty bad comments (racial slurs) towards customers that were just out of earshot. Old white to young black. Owner is Asian.

Should have said something.

If you came into a place that I worked covered with tattoos, dressed like a punk, wearing anything that looked like gang ID or any other things that made me suspicious, white, black, or green, I'll point you to the door.

LOL are you kidding. You should change work to OWN, otherwise you should be fired immediately. Not allowing them to shoot because of tatts or piercings? Just as bad as being ignorant due to color. And what is "dressed like a punk?" You probably dress like…..well Ill stop here.

(btw I have none of your aforementioned disqualifiers).

Picture clint eastwood in gran torino, sitting on his porch drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. That's me, except I smoke cigars and drink diet soda.

And when it comes right down to it, what exactly is the scary old man down the block gonna do when the kids toilet paper his house, ring his doorbell, or ride their bike through his lawn?

A whole lot of complaining and perhaps futile calls to the police.

Don't take your scary roll to heart, it might get you in a jam when you run across certain folk.
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Steel Talon

New member
Hey OP,
Don't sweat the smal Doo Doo let it roll. The rules say no bird shot no alcohol beverage smell. Just because others allopwed you to use birdshot dose not make it a precedence for him to do also. He's empoyed to run the business within the rules.

If its still upsetting enough for you not to return, then you've voted with your dollars and the business looses.


New member
dakiwi13 said:
mind u this was an older white male, part of the good ol' boys club.

The term Good Ol' Boy is not synonymous with redneck, hick, bubba, yokel and especially not white trash. The term refers to a male who is, by personal choice and action, a good person. A good ol' boy is one willing to help anyone anytime. A good ol' boy is one you know you can always count on and he lives his life by his word. The term Good Ol' Boys Club is referring to the "brotherhood" that a Good Ol' Boy belongs. Just as the Marines are the few and the proud, so are the members of the Good Ol' Boys Club.

I found that definition out on the net, sounds accurate and reasonable.

Why did you select the term ol' boy? They sound like nice guys to me.

You didn't mean it as a pejorative did you?

Good ol' Posters around TFL don't use pejoratives, or euphemisms for pejoratives, they also know how to use the cap key.
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