I'm in Love with my New CZ P-07 Duty 9mm. But Not Everyone is a Fan


New member
I just got a CZ P-07 Duty 9mm for a decent price and I'm in love with it. I'm finding myself addicted to this little gun and look forward to the next time I can get to the range.

I got it for 395$ at my local PX brand new, so it was tax free. They raised the price and forgot to change the tag on the display so they had to give it to me for the lower price.

First day at the range I only had 7yard paper targets available, no steel or 25 yard, but I was happy with 3" groupings all day. The pistol feels perfect for my hands and even my wife's smaller hands.

Using snap caps I did the home dry fire run through for CCW and the pistol is very instinctive to point aim and fast to operate. I love the option of the decocker being able to turn the pistol into DAO for CCW, the heavier trigger pull in DAO is still smooth and on the light side.

I'm waiting for the catch...I've seen the posts of others warning about using cheap 9mm and poor customer service of CZ-USA. I'm already aware of the lack of CCW holsters for it, but I've found a few decent ones already.
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New member
The only one to rain on your parade is you. From what you say, you are completely happy with it. What some internet critics say should not sway your own opinion for it mainly because yours is in your hands and their opinions are usually formed from reading "something, some where". CZ is known for making quality pistols with good customer service. If you are happy then enjoy your new CZ.


New member
Personally, I look at internet criticism this way. It's only about 10% as valid as it seems. Take the P07 and the frame bulging issue. I've known several owners of the gun. None had a problem with frame bulging. But, to read internet threads would give the impression that only 10% of P07 owners have a good gun.

What matters is yours works and you like it! Shoot it. Enjoy it. Invest in it. Internet opinions will never outweigh your personal experience.
i owned one for 2 months and then got rid of it. i have absolutely nothing bad to say about the accuracy. it held very tight. the ergonomics are good just like you would expect from cz. not a fan of the sharp edges and rough texture for a carry gun, but a decent range gun.

except for this:
i didn't trust it to last very long. the weird way the slide fit to the frame concerned me. the rail was like a wedge shape instead of the solid right angles you are used to seeing on a rail. couple the shallow angle with the extremely light weight polymer used, and i didn't trust the slide to not come right off the frame while shooting one day. since i had also just picked up a glock 19 that is practically the same dimensions and weight, i decided to keep the glock and sell the cz.


New member
I had one and gave it to my Brother in Law as a wedding gift.

(He was a very generous sponsor for our wedding and he had been eyeballing my P-07 since I first bought it.)

I later replaced the P-07 wth a PCR and have no regrets....The PCR is a much better CCW option as it is somewhat smaller and more rounded.

I do remember the P-07 having a better trigger out of the box, great ergonomics, it was super accurate and started my love for CZ pistols.

It really is one of the best deals out there right now.....very underrated Gun.

My only Gripe was the cheap sights...but those can and should be replaced.


New member
I'm such a pessimistic and I'm cynical, so when I get a good deal I just over scrutinize every little thing to justify my paranoia. I will definitely agree that the factory plastic sights have to go, and the slide riding the inside of the polymer frame does make me concerned that it is going to wear or crack the rails right off after a few years, as opposed to the all metal predecessors CZ was known for. Other than that I can't find a fault.

I'm a big 9mm fan because I'm always at the range and I find the cost of ammo is what keeps me from going to the range more often than not.




New member
Well, RoadWarrior, this may or may not upset you.

I saw one of those at a local gun shop near home, and loved the feel of it. It seemed perfect for my hand. Luckily, the gun shop (which didn't have the best of reputation with the local community of shooters) had an indoor range, and they let me test-fire a demo of the same thing that they had. I had to pay $10 for the range and buy a $20 box of their 9mm ammo, too. I was pretty upset at the prices just to test a pistol.

Well, I took out the CZ P-07 and shot it. All seemed to go well, until I was stopped by a FTF and just noticed what seemed to be a bulge in the plastic frame. I thought for sure it was my eyes, so I asked the owner of the shop. He got all pissy with me, and snapped, "There's nutin' wrong with that!" So I went back to shooting and just tried to ignore him.

A couple of magazines and 3 FTF's later, I became a bit perturbed. That's when the owner walks up and starts telling me I was "shooting too fast" and stressing the pistol. I was like, "WHAT??" He then grabs the gun off of the table, inspects it, and proceeds to blame ME for the "damage" he now sees that he didn't see before -- the bulging frame. I was beside myself, and had had enough. So I went off on the guy, calling him an A-ho*e, etc. That's when the idiot puts the pistol down and shoves me. Now, I don't like to be shoved. So I shoved back. I shoved him hard, and his feet went out from under him because he was standing on a few 9mm brass cases.

Well, the old codger was right p.o.'ed by that, and jumps at me. But he only caught my by the pants. He just kept swearing and pulling, pulling, pulling on my leg.... kind of how I'm pulling your leg now.... ;)

Sorry for all of that, but the truth is I DID enjoy holding the gun! It felt great!


New member
Heck, when I first got my PX4, it was new to the market, and a ton of Internet folks said the rotating barrel would be a jam-o-matic.

3,000 rounds later, still waiting for my first malfunction.

I held the P-07 and loved the feel. Glad yours rocks.
the slide riding the inside of the polymer frame does make me concerned that it is going to wear or crack the rails right off after a few years
I handled a pistol like that. I assured the owner that it would break in short order, and that he'd be out of luck on support because the weird foreign company that made it would soon be out of business. The design just wasn't sound.

That was 1988. ;)

The P-07 doesn't fit my hands well, and I'm not fond of the sights, but it can shoot. The bulge in the frame is normal, and I know two people who've had them for more than three years now and have not had an issue.


New member
My brother and I both own P07's and both have the frame bulge. Neither of us have ever had a failure of any kind, and yet the thought of that bulge kept rattling around in my brain. I called CZ and asked about it. The guy I spoke to in customer service said that it was purely a cosmetic issue (and you'd probably never notice it if I didn't point right at it) and that it absolutely does not effect the functionality of the gun.
I'm trying to believe him. I keep shooting the darn thing thinking it'll fail, but it doesn't. Maybe it never will. It is absolutely a joy to hold and shoot. I hope he's right. I love this gun.


New member
I have owned two. Sold the first one, which was 100 % reliable, and regretted selling. Bought the second one, which was finicky about what ammo it would feed, almost as if it had a short chamber or something. Sold that. Should have kept the first one.

You might have a reliable one, as I suspect most of them are given the company that makes them. Nice, shorter DA pull, liked the decocker, very accurate.

If you have a good one, you should be happy.


New member
Congrats on the new gun! The P-07s have had all the issues addressed, and should be 100%. Considering the testing and applications they're being subjected to and used for, I would be VERY surprised if those frame rails ever failed!
No holsters? Not at all!


And the Down Under is the best IWB rig I've ever used, shown here with a CZ SP-01 Phantom,


http://highnoonholsters.com/ :cool:


New member
Thanks for the support everybody, so far I still love it. The only thing that I do not like is the safety so I just leave the decocker on it.


New member
I sell guns for a living... and I can get almost any gun I want at discount.. so price is never really an issue..... I recently found myself drawn to the P07... I might pick one up seeing as the only 9mm I have left at the moment is my Walther PPS.

I wouldn't sweat the internet issues... I can tell you from personal experiece... everything breaks... including high dollar 1911.... Glocks... Mil-Spec AR's and AKs.

CZ customer service is great.. they will take care of any issue that might arrise.

Enjoy your gun and stop worrying about it.