I'm hooked!

Harry Callahan

New member
Just got a chance for the first time to fire my new Remington 700 LTR at my local range. Naturally, in my excitement to get there I forgot the scope wrenches to tighten the rings after a few shots like I was told to do, but oh well had a gas anyway. Once I determined it was shooting low I aimed high and was shooting 1-1.5" groups! Of course, this was at 50' so I'm not going to get overly excited but I can't wait to shoot long ones. I do have a question, however. How often do I typically need to tighten the rings and/or mounts? Thanks in advance.


New member
It would be a good idea to check that they are tight each time you take it out, or at least periodically. Have fun and keep shooting!


New member
If you mount the scope correctly and use Locktite on the screws the mount will last forever unless the scope/rifle takes a very serious bump like a fall. I had my scope on my 270 for years and never loss zero nor a screw ever got lose. josh


yes, what joshua said.

BUT, don't loctite until you're reasonably certain you have the scope on it that you like, that will stay on for awhile. Then use BLUE thread-locker.

Oh, congrats....sounds like a sweet rig. :)

Fat White Boy

New member
Yes on the Blue LocTite. If you need to know why not the Red, I will let my son explain how his Eotech became permanently one with his rifle...