I'm going to college, what do I do with my guns?


New member
Alright everyone: I'm guessing the answer to my question will be 'leave them at home' but I'm hoping for something a little bit better. This fall I will be entering Purdue University as a freshman. I love shooting and hope to make it to the range on weekends, but how is that going to work out? I'm composing an email to send to the campus police department requesting info but wanted to hear some input here before I sent it off. The PU Calumet website had this on it:

"Firearms and Dangerous weapons

Possession, use or distribution of any explosives, guns, or other deadly or dangerous materials or weapons is prohibited on University property unless authorized by the University Police Department."

I am wondering if they have gun lockers somewhere for students or even allow concealed carry if you talk to the department (doubtful). Those of you who have been in my shoes, what did you do? Did you rent a little storage cube or just laid down your guns? I'm sorry if some of these questions seem stupid but information on this is virtually nonexistant. Thanks and I look forward to the replies!



New member
By their logic, you shouldn't even be allowed to possess a toothpick while on campus, because it can be used as a weapon. :rolleyes:

Anyway, see about off-campus housing options.


New member
I would give a SERIOUS look at off-campus housing options... I live in an apartment. I keep my guns here and it's nobody's business but my own what I do with them (provided I only do legal things, which I do).

Chances that they'll let you carry on campus? Zero. Especially if they have laws like Texas does prohibiting carry of firearms on ... I believe the wording is "educational institutions, public or private."

Chances that they'll let you keep them in a dorm room on campus? Almost zero.

I'd go ahead and send the letter... there's no reason not to, but don't get your hopes up too high. If by some miracle they do approve you keeping your guns in the dorm, make very certain you have a strong lock box or safe to keep them in!! Even though you may be responsible, there are way too many morons inhabiting this earth to risk your butt in a lawsuit because of the stupidity of someone you don't even know.

Something else you may look into... some ranges (usually the ones that sell membership) keep gun lockers available for rent where you can stow your firearms when not in use.

Also, what kind of guns are they? If you have shotguns, perhaps there is a school skeet group you could join that could provide some sort of storage option (or at least a reason for the PD to let you keep them in your room). Pistol shooting club, etc... you get the idea.

Keep us updated! :)


New member
If you are a freshman, there may be a policy that says you MUST live on campus your first year. In that case, see about locker storage. My school has it, many do.

ASAP, move off campus. Keep them at your house.


New member
Option one: live off-campus. That may even be cheaper than living on-campus, but I don't know your situation as far as that goes.

Option two: the local police probably have a system where you can rent a locker. I know my local PD does.

These both depend on the idea that you believe the university has the right to disarm you.


New member
Go for off-campus housing ASAP. Until then... It you can't get something arranged through campus police, check with a local gun range. They may have some useful info. If all else fails, rent a small storage unit in a patrolled/monitored facility, and put a gun safe in it. Not the most comfortable option, but it works.


New member
I had the same problem freshmen year. I made some friends who I could trust and kept them at their house. they all owned guns so I was able to throw them in their safes. Keep in mind if your guns do get stolen from the campus locker or a pd locker you will not be able to hold them responsible. Maybe leave your guns at home for a couple weeks, then the next time you go home bring them back when you have a for sure answer.


New member
I agree with most of what has been said. I also had the same problem. Just call the PD on campus. My school had lockers where you could check your guns in and out whenever you wanted. That being said, I now have lived off campus for a few years and it is very nice not to have to worry. Also another thing to think about is if Purdue PD does not have lockers, the local PD might be sympatheic. Just an idea though. Good Luck. -popsnoob


New member
This fall I will be entering Purdue University as a freshman.

I was at there when the murder occured in Wiley hall. I strongly suggest you talk to the police and talk to someone that is part of the university. Get their suggestions in writing and make sure you record their name. After that incident, kids were getting kicked out of school for shooting counselors with nerf guns.