I'm finished with Ruger

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New member
I've had two defective and, poorly finished revolvers. Models are the recent SP101 4.2" .357 magnums, first had so much cylinder left to right slop at lockup
that the bullet shaved and would never hit target with any accuracy. Also the spit back from the cylinder gap was excessive to the point that my face would get peppered with powder and, whatever other fragments expelled. I had to send that back to Davidsons, second one arrived....geez...rear sight loose, out of elevation, can't keep POI , better groups with a shotgun. Sure Ruger says send it back, for what??? Get it back with new problems? I own five Ruger's but, no more. I'm done with them, quality is no longer there. Sad indeed.


Ive bought two new GP100s in last few years and they have been stellar.

I dont know what your problem is with them, but Ruger makes some of the best revolvers in the world.


New member
I haven't seen lack of quality in either new Smiths or Rugers.

But I have seen bummer examples from both makers over the years.

Send the SP 101 back directly to Ruger and Ruger will "personally" make it right, I believe. Call them and get a free shipping label.


New member
Sure Ruger says send it back, for what??? Get it back with new problems? I own five Ruger's but, no more. I'm done with them, quality is no longer there. Sad indeed.

I understand your frustration. I would hate to get a brand new gun with issues right out of the box.

But why not give Ruger a chance to make it right? The one time I had to send a gun back to them (an LC9), the issue was quickly resolved and the gun performed the way it should.

Real Gun

New member
Go Smith and dont look back.

See that's the thing...in terms of new production, going Smith doesn't work either. Guns these days are typically works in progress. I have had no issues with my Ubertis, but most of the Smiths, Rugers, and one Charter Arms had to have at least one trip back to the maker or the gunsmith. My Springfield 1911 went back. My Kimber went back. The Glock is no problem. It seems the mode these days is quality by rework.

Real Gun

New member
I understand your frustration. I would hate to get a brand new gun with issues right out of the box.

It has gotten to where it seems being perfect from the box is the exception.

But why not give Ruger a chance to make it right? The one time I had to send a gun back to them (an LC9), the issue was quickly resolved and the gun performed the way it should.

Yeah, but do that a few times, hoping for just one that is right, in the box, and it gets old.


New member
I spend hours every day on forums like this I hear the same story on every gun manufactures out there. Even companies like H&K has issues.
For the past 7 + years gun manufactures have been running at peak production just like the ammo companies.
I have to give them credit; they do a good job considering the demand.
Ruger is a great company and will make it right.


New member
I've had two defective and, poorly finished revolvers. Models are the recent SP101 4.2" .357 magnumsI've had two defective and, poorly finished revolvers. Models are the recent SP101 4.2" .357 magnums
I've noticed a decline in quality of just about all new guns over the last 15 years.
Spotty fit and finish, loose screws right out of the box, rough bores, horrible rough gritty triggers, multiple small pieces breaking prematurely, ....
I could go on and on.

It hasn't been limited to one maker either - - Browning, Ruger, S&W, Winchester, Marlin....
All of them in one way or another have been far less than acceptable.
Some I sent back, most I just lived with.
The Winchester Trapper with the loose screw that snapped off & is now pretty much a tomato stake....

Oh well...

FWIW - - I've noticed it's not been limited to firearms.
I owned a string of Hondas from 1994 through 2014.
Talk about a nose dive in quality.....
No more Honda for me!

I'm sorry - I got all caught up and forgot to mention what I wanted to suggest!
LOL! I guess I'm getting "defective" too!

I just stay away from the new stuff and buy the older & better made stuff.


Member in memoriam
I too understand your frustration.I try to buy only what I see and handle.A right of refusal is agreed upon,Before placing necessary orders.Works for me. :D


New member
It isn't just Ruger, just guns, just hanguns, or just anything else.

We live in the times of "Do less, charge more."

That's just the way it is.

+1 to the deal directly with Ruger comments.


New member
I've had to send more Rugers back than all others combined. But I've had a lot of Rugers and they have always made it right. I'm pretty impressed with the company as a whole. But the 10-22 is the only thing they sell that would be my 1st choice in any category of firearms. But one of their offerings would either be my 2nd choice, or at least near the top in any category. Well except shotguns, they can't seem to figure that out.


New member
I'm done with them, quality is no longer there. Sad indeed.
I've heard the same thing about S&W, I have a few of both. Bottom line is that all manufacturers will produce a few lemons. Unfortunately, you drew two in a row.


New member
I've had quality issues with Ruger, S&W, Taurus, Browning, Kimber. The only one lately that was good was a Colt LW Commander. Not just one gun either, 3 S&W, 2 Rugers.
pay your money and take your chances.


New member
Never said Smith never have problems, but ill take my chances with them over ruger. Two friends had issues with their rugers...wrong slide stop spring from the factory in an SR-9c and the worst was an AR that didnt even have blueing under a plastic packaging piece on the barrel. And giving them kudos for fixing it is like thanking them for screwing somthing up that should have been right to start with. Any respectable gun maker will fix the firearm if you send it back to them so i dont view that as something that separates them from any other company. You get lemons with every brand but 2 in a row? Sorry, you just lost my business


New member
I see quality issues with a lot of modern gun manufacturers, including S&W, Ruger, Sig....the list goes on. There really isn't anything modern made that I don't already have that interests me. So I just keep my eyes peeled for the out of production guns that I like, or older manufactured ones.


New member

I have all three Ruger single actions,a SP101 .357,and a Mk1,plus a 77 in .308,every one is magic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hdbiker


New member
madmo said it right. Everybody wants to blame modern times and the lck of quality control.nobody stops to think about the numbers of guns these gun companies are producing. Remember the shortage of AR's. As many makers as we had, they were hard t find three days after Sandy Hook. Demand for any firearm that was on the chopping block still is high. It took the gun companies nearly two and a half years to meet and exceed demand in the AR field. They haven't met demand in the handgun category yet.

I understand your frustrations. SEND it BACK. RUGER will make it right.
Or sell it to me at a reduced price and I'll do it.


New member
Cutting off a company that stands behind there product 100% is kinda silly.

There are plenty of people that are more then pleased with the service Ruger has given.

I personally take what you are saying with a grain of salt because you didnt even allow Ruger to fix it for you, u just assumed it would come back with a problem again.

For every complaint they get, there are hundreds that praise Ruger for there customer service.

Shoot, not to long ago. I read a guy brought a used Security six that broke, sent it back to Ruger who then replaced it with a new sp101.

Imo that sounds like a darn good company to me. Think you are allowing your frustration to get the best of you.

Anyway, good lucky with S&W or whatever company you choose to deal with from here on.
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