I'm finally settled in and I'm almost an official Idahoan again

Jack 99

New member
Just have to get the plates off the car. I'm pinching pennies so I haven't applied for the concealed carry permit yet.

I'm still unemployed but doing OK. Actually living in Nampa about 20 miles from Boise. Nice little town. Neighbors show up at your door with squash to welcome you to the neighborhood, even with the Californication plates on the car. The wife and I take great pains to explain that we are actually native Idahoans recovering from our temporary insanity.

May even get a chance to go hunting this fall with the in-laws. My son and I will head up in a couple of weeks to help set up hunting camp and do some preliminary scouting. All in all, it feels like I'm back in civilization again even though the entire population of this state is just one medium-ish California city. Go figure.

TFL seems to be surviving fine. Good to see the old place is still pretty much the same.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions on the new handle. Jay Baker, you must be psychic, I drive past Owyhee Electrical Supply about every other day and it probably affected my subconscious. I was thinking about 'Owyhee Kid' as a handle earlier today. I'm leaning toward "Payette Jack" right now.

Take care all and I'll post my email and such after I change my handle. We should have an Idaho TFL get together some day.

Keiller TN

New member
Welcome back, Jack 99.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)


New member
Glad you escaped the PRK, probably heard mission impossible music playing somewhere in the background while you were leaving. Good luck on your new place and glad to see you back.


New member
Glad to hear all is going well. Then again, moving out of the PRK would be "well" even if you were living under a bridge in ID. ;)


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.
Kudos to you for your decision to leave our great Communist state. It takes heuvos to pull out the roots and relocate. I still have about 10 years before I can skedaddle.

Jay Baker

New member
Welcome back to Idaho, Jack! Glad you had a safe trip! Where are you going hunting?? I'll be hunting elk/deer mid-Oct., east of Elk City.

(I thought you might like that "Owyhee Kid" moniker.) Take care. J.B.


New member
Jack99 & Co:

Welcome home - I'll be proud to call you neighbor.

FYI - watch out on your hunting; the Idaho Dep't of Fish and Game is pretty tight on residency requirements for getting resident (VERY cheap, especially compared to non-resident) licenses and tags. I believe you have to have lived here for 6 months prior to qualify for a resident license. Contact F&G to find out how long you have to live here to qualify for resident license & tag (it's different than for voting, registering car, getting driver's license, etc.). Get the F&G person's name and title, and make a log as to when you called, who you talked to, what they said, etc. Then look up the information yourself - people being part human, they may tell you wrong. I believe it's Idaho Code Section 36-202.

Just don't want you to get into legal trouble for wrong-class license, which is an expensive fine, jail time, denial of privileges for a long time, and a black mark that, although not disqualifying, will cause the Sheriff to look askance at your application for a CCW.

Jack 99

New member
It looks like I'll have to go non-resident if I'm going to get a license. Probably wait until next year. I can get all the donated venison I'd ever want anyway from family.

Thanks for the welcome. Looks like we need an Idaho TFL get together sometime.


New member
Welcome to Idaho Jack. I made the move here from the California of the east (NY) back in '94. When I got my new plates here the first thing I did was head for the range. NY plates look pretty good with a bunch of .30 cal holes in them! I'm up near Coeur d'Alene by the way. Applied for my CCW about a month ago, was a little slow.


I will choose a path thats clear-I will choose freewill-Neal Pert

I swear-by my life and my love of it-that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine-Ayn Rand

Idaho Mike

New member
Yes, welcome back.

I'm up here in the Panhandle, where trees and lakes are plentiful and jobs are not.

Had a seven-point buck looking in the kitchen window yesterday. In the morning, bears climb our apple trees. Not one murder here all year. Life is good.

Jack 99

New member
Brian and Mike,

I know all about the job market in CD'A, its my hometown. The wife is originally from Kamiah. If I thought there was a snowball's chance of my finding a good job in that neck of the woods, I'd be there now. As my dad is fond of saying, its a $6/hr town and Spokane is a $7/hr town :( The Boise area isn't bad, but its definitely a compromise.

I'll actually be up there next week. If you see a little rollerskate of a Suzuki (don't laugh, it gets 40 mpg) with California plates, give me a wave.