I'm conflicted here....


New member
Hope some of you can help me out, maybe give me a different perspective.

In reading through the thread about the MP who was shot after a 100mph car chase, it got me thinking. what good does it do for the MP to announce he is 'military', or reach for his MP id? does he expect to get treated differently because of it? does it excuse his actions?

yes, i know they are sacrificing themselves, for their country. they are doing things i am not prepared to do. but does being in active service deserve special considerations across the board?

don't get me wrong, i'm not ragging on the guy here. but even way up here in alaska, we get people that get upset because their status as being Active Duty through any branch will get them special treatment. happens at the gunshop. we do work on their guns at good guy prices, and they ask for military discounts on top of it. they try to buy a gun and we match competitors prices, and then they ask for military discount over and above that.

see it when i work events like hockey or boxing, they try to get their underage brothers in arms into the drinking areas, or get free entrance. whats the deal? one instance a gentleman claimed his rank was enough to qualify as 'court appointed legal guardian' of the 18 yr olds that were with him. not in my opinion, nor that of my bosses.

so heres where i am conflicted. i want to support those who are serving, i want them to know that their efforts are appreciated by me. and i'd have no problem trying to get them discounts or free stuff, but at the gunshop, its my bosses call whether or not they get discounts, and at my other nightjob, i can't knowingly let underage guys in to the bar area without risking my job, as well as the liquor license for the arenas.

What are your thoughts?


I understand your conflict. Folks that are military, some, expect special status/perks from society, as do some LEO's.

so heres where i am conflicted. i want to support those who are serving, i want them to know that their efforts are appreciated by me. and i'd have no problem trying to get them discounts or free stuff, but at the gunshop, its my bosses call whether or not they get discounts, and at my other nightjob, i can't knowingly let underage guys in to the bar area without risking my job, as well as the liquor license for the arenas.

What are your thoughts?

Do what you can for them (if you are inclined), when you can, without getting your arse in a sling over it.
Well, if he's an MP, he's law enforcement, so he's trying to establish a rapport with the arresting officer and possibly trying to defuse the situation.


New member
I think that there is always a certain percentage of people looking for an angle.

I have gotten out of a few tickets from police officers... I didnt mention anything about military. Just that I have a Dod Vehicle Decal on the windshield. However, I was also polite and didnt BS the officers either.

I dont expect anything special from it...However, if somebody cuts me some slack or offers me a discount Im not going to turn it down. Dollars are tight these days....

The local Krispy Kreme was giving 4 dozen donuts to guys in military uniform to take to work...we had to cut that out because those fat pills were taking thier toll...lol.

Sir William

New member
BTDT. Some are selfmade idiots. I have been known to help dependents as far as I can. I aid as much as possible and have even bought tanks of fuel, dinner and auto repairs. There IS a certain degree of idiot and idiotic behaviour that is irresponsible and will try for a free pass. I don't give them one. I have turned some who owed me money into a collection agency. Honour. They and you earn it. Respect. It depends on the individual. If someone is breaking the law, disrespectful of me and my position/job and expecting a blind eye, they will be surprised. There is a bad element in our military today, it reflects our society. I am wary and leery of some military members. I don't automatically treat them as long lost family.


New member
Military members reflect the values in our society... you do have bad soldiers and good soldiers. Once during a health and welfare inspection of the barracks I was chatting with a CID Agent, gang members are in the military. That is probably the 3% bad you will get in any segment of society.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
... you do have bad soldiers and good soldiers.
Exactly. Ponderosa Steak House gives police, fire, EMS, and active duty military, a half-off discount on meals. We don't refuse it, but occasionally a cashier will forget and bill us full price. I couldn't even dream of asking for the discount. I just shrug and pay it.

It's one thing for someone to offer a favor, but it's... well, it's just crass for someone to ask for it, but some do :( .

By the way, I didn't see it mentioned in the MP thread, but the MP was only a passenger, and not the driver.


New member
The police officer sounded aggitated. Anything to form some sort of connection and calm him down would have been good. I think that was the point.


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I remember a trucker pointing to a belt buckle and demanding a break on a speeding ticket I was writing him... Didn't even bother to listen long enough as to whether he claimed LEO status or merely some supposed support. One ment a whole lot more work than his buckle was worth and the other was lost in his demanding demeanor... :rolleyes:

I don't believe anyone should expect or ask for special treatment due to thier employment or past experiences. If it happens, great - they should enjoy it, like as not they earned it. Othewise, pony up and be the man you are now - not what you were once.


New member
Being Active Duty I can only offer my view...

It's nice to get breaks when they come, but It's not something I expect. I get alot more out of someone saying "hey thanks" then I do saving a few bucks. Although when I get pulled over and I'm back home I'll give my military I.D. and liscense with leave papers, for one I'm told i'm supposed to do this and two it hasn't hurt me yet. :)

Also there are has many bad as there are good. I have watched many ppl get booted for Drugs and other stupid stuff.


New member
Different things will cut you some slack when you get pulled over. Think about it most LEO entrance test give extra point (or at least extra consideration) for ex-military. The problem is you drop the Military ID, Police ID, FOP card, Pastor ID, etc in with your license when you get pulled over for going 10 miles over the speed limit, not for when your involved in a high speed chase going 100 mph.


Being in the military is a type of double jeopardy.

You get a ticket in town, then you have to turn around and confess the crime to your chain of command, who may make your life and job more of a pain because of it.

I have handed officers my ID in (successful) attempts to get off with a warning. But I would have claimed to be pregnant if that helped, too.:D

As far as "military discounts", many places (movie theatre, etc.) offer them, so it doesn't hurt to ask. But a military person shouldn't expect anything. Places offering discounts get something out of it as well.

As far as this case goes, identifying your LE background would be a good way get the gun pointed away from you. I'm all for that.

We don't live in a completely classless society. A military ID card will get you out of some tickets, an M.D. will get you a trophy wife and membership in a Mason spin off will get you into Congress.


New member
but he was the passenger,for all the officer knew he may have been a hostage,or at least an unwilling passenger,just seems to me that deadly force should be a LAST resort,jmho.

just watched the video..that leo should NOT have fired ...he should BE fired and prosecuted
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New member
I am Active Duty (18 years) and I must say that if an establishment offers a military discount I am going to take advantage of it (shamelessly). In fact I will most likely frequent that establishment regularly as will most other AD people I know. I have never expected discounts and such, but if a proprieter offers it, I will use it. I will go to a brick and morter store and pay a reasonable amount more for an item (with a discount) mainly because the owner does show a form of respect for offering it and i appriciate it.

My military ID has gotten me out of some tickets and not out of others. The next time I get pulled over, i will make sure the officer sees my ID (hanging a uniform in the back works pretty good too) but if it doesn't work so be it, I was speeding.

Just my 2 cents.....



New member
i hope you didnt misinterpret my above post, whiskeymike. i have no problem at all with providing a discount or better service to Active Duty personnel, but when its expected, and on occasion i have seen individuals become a bit perturbed because no discount was offered, thats when it eats at me.

now, up here in alaska, there is a LOT of Active Duty amongst us. for example, when I work the ID checkpoints at the fights or hockey games, easily half the people i card are AD, were talking 500 out of a capacity of 1200 who will show up to a boxing night, and at least 2000 out of a capacity of 6400 at hockey games.

at the shop the owner and the manager will usually engage the customer in conversation when we take their guns in for work, or when selling them a gun, and they'll make some smalltalk. when we go to ring a sale up, if either the owner or manager has had some good conversation with them, i'll ask discretely before i ring up the sale if they want to do something for the customer. just about every time, they get a discount. but thats when i take the initiative or the owner or manager speak up and say something like 'take 10% off for this guy'.


New member
No insult taken at all...

I can see how some folks think they are owed something for nothing, and that's a load of crap, whether its military, cops, firemen, ect...

I was just saying that those that do outwardly offer something such as discounts, free tickets and such, I will take advantage of it as do most other military folks. I do se how most of the discounts are just to get repeat business, and it works (at least from me and mine)

Again, no insult taken....