I'm an FAL owner.........again! (Just a bit excited about it too)


New member
Actually twice! I've been missing my FAL since trading it to another loving home last year and have been just looking for the opportunity to get a hold of one again. That opportunity came last week in the form of a sealed auction.

I bid on a total of 4 guns in the auction and came away with 3 for prices that would make you cry with envy so I won't mention them. (AHH! I can't help it, spent under a grand all told! :D :eek: :D ) The results were 2 metric Century Arms L1A1s in 98%+ condition with B-square scope mounts (post ban configuration and the receivers are stamped CIA & L1A1, but I don't know who the manufacturer was yet), 15 twenty round magazines, a rifle case, and a pre-ban Norinco NHM91 (AK variation) in LNIB condition with all the accessories. I doubt that all three rifles have fired a hundred rounds between them.

Sorry about the braggin' bit, but I realize how lucky I was to get these rifles. Opportunities like that don't come along every day! I'm going to have to sell one of them to a friend of mine to defray my costs, but the other two will be my shooters. Hey, George, when's the next Utah TFL shoot? Bragging about these babys ain't enough, I gotta show 'em off too!


New member
Congrats yorec!
I too am waiting on the opportunity to grab another one. I sure do miss mine which I had to sell several years ago.

On another note, I went to the last gun show looking for just the "right" one (FN Heavy barrel version). Didn't find it, so I just bought me a new Harley instead. :D

Don'cha just hate it when ya got several grand burnin' a hole in your pocket? ;)

They are great rifles though.


New member
yorec, I'm not sure when the next get-together is going to be yet. Send me your e-mail address and I will add you to the Utah TFLer mailing list. George appointed me "Secretary of Utah" :rolleyes: I tried adding your regular e-mail and got an error message.

Congrats on the guns. I love my FAL! ;)


New member
Congrats, had my Century FAL (IMBEL receiver) out on the range two days ago. Check this out. My thing is CQB with shotguns and hanguns and I can't even get a drivers license without a note from my eye doctor. I still shot 4 in groups at 100 yards with mil surplus ammo. I love my FAL. Question, what spare parts do I need? Or should I just buy the S African kit for $100? Happy FAL'en

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Lucky &%*#$&%*@$!*!!


Sealed Auctions... Gotta love them.

Next time you have one up there - bid on the Uzi for me ;)

We will probably have one soon enough - no later than March. If you are coming down this way some time - let me know... we can grab a few guy along the way and - hell this is Utah - 10 minutes outta any city and your in good shooting country.

(This time I WONT forget the Chicken!)


New member
George, forgot you were such an Uzi fan. Had a local guy here selling an Uzi pistol last year. He wanted something like $100.00.

:D :D :D
Just kidding, it was a lot more (5X more, that I didn't have :(), sorry 'bout that. I will keep you in mind if I hear of another.