Illum. Scope or put a light on the rifle?


New member
Last night was a repeat of other recent nights. I looked in the front yard at 2:30 am and there was a huge hog munching old acorns. I don't have a scope with an illuminated reticle and I don't have a varmint type light on any of my rifles. So...the question I ask ya'll is: based on your experiences, would I be better served with a new and modestly priced scope with an illuminated reticle or should I get something like that Primos varmint light (with red lighting) that mounts above the scope. What works best for you guys that have either or both? Thanks.


New member
Use the same thing you have on your home defense firearm.

What!?! :confused:

You don't have a light on your home defense firearm !?! :eek:
Do you think bad guys only do evil during daylight hours?
And how do you positively identify a bad guy at night without a light?

Quick! To the interwebz and buy a light for your firearm! A nice bright white light ;)


New member
No need

Get a steady rest in the house,porch the reticle over the hogs head ,slowly drop the scope,so it's head fills the scope....then squeeze the trigger,and wham a dead pig.....I've done this before ,it's worked well for me ....Jim:D


New member
Well, Bigbird, your approach is what I've been doing for years, and I guess I'd like a bit more precision than that allows. The lit scope would be good, but only as good as dim light allows me to see the critter. The mounted light would be better for longer shots, but having a big light on the top of the rifle looks a bit awkward. I guess I'll internet search for some type light that might mount under the rifle, like maybe to the stock. I guess all the AR rifle guys have lights of various types, but I have just a standard bolt action rifle. I might go with that Primos light. Clunky, but probably quite useful, particularly if I can easily dismount the light when it isn't needed.