Illinois state police suggestions


New member
I was at the range about two weeks ago talking to one of ROs and Illinois laws came up in the conversation. He informed me that the state police recommend women to carry a nail file, comb, keys and a tongue depressor to ward off an attack. I asked what the tongue depressor was for? He said they advise that the women use the tongue depressor to induce vomitting to make herself less appealing to the attacker. Well i started thinking about that tonight so I searched the Illinois state police web site and came up with this.

If You Are Confronted...

Before you fight

Fighting for your safety may be necessary. However, if you start out fighting you cancel any other options that might be open to you. Since many attacks on women are not sexually motivated, and are designed to degrade and humiliate, talking your way out of it may be easier.

There is documentation of assailants that left a would-be-victim alone after she told him that she was pregnant and it would kill her baby. (Some case were women that were too old to even have a baby.)
Telling an attacker that you have VD or AIDS can discourage him.
It may sound disgusting, but putting your fingers into you throat and making yourself vomit usually gets results. (This method is not often used except as a last resort.)
Use your imagination and you can think of others.

The above methods are particularly important if your assailant has a gun or knife, or there is more than one attacker. (Fighting would probably be futile.)

If you must fight

Guns stolen from residences are a primary way of getting guns into the hands of criminals.
Be aware of those times and places where there is a potential for attack and be prepared to defend yourself.
parking lots
walking at night
waiting for a bus
other you will learn to recognize

Articles common to your handbag that make useful defense weapons.

nail file
rat tail comb
teasing brush
pens and pencils
anything rigid

Concentrate on these areas only when combating an assailant.


You should not swing at an assailant. Roundhouse or overhand blows are easy to deflect or evade. Your movements should be made with all your strength, and should be straight jabs. Remember that screaming may be just as important to your defense as any weapon.

Now there are a couple of things on here that I do and some I do not agree with but, what does the statement. "Guns stolen from residences are a primary way of getting guns into the hands of criminals" have to do with defending yourself?


New member
Guns stolen from residences are a primary way of getting guns into the hands of criminals" have to do with defending yourself?

A refreshing acknowledgment that gun laws are for the control of law abiding citizens and have nothing to do with fighting crime.


New member
My girlfriend has all that stuff +

nail file
rat tail comb
teasing brush
pens and pencils
anything rigid

and a very nice .380 Beretta

B. Lahey

New member
The other day I overheard a lady talking about how she got training from the police to punch with keys between her fingers and how nasty that would be to get hit with.

I wonder if these "police trainers" have ever bothered to try it?

Seems like a guaranteed way to break a few fingers and I can't imagine that it would break the skin. What is the purpose behind this weird idea? I guess you could get an eye with a lucky shot, but it seems like long odds...


New member
What is the purpose behind this weird idea?

A raking slash or punch with the keys will allow DNA evidence to collect on the many sharp/jagged areas of the keys. Thus allowing positive identification of the assailant when the keys are found next to the lifeless body of the victim.

"Seems like a guaranteed way to break a few fingers and I can't imagine that it would break the skin."

Don't kid yourself.

I saw the results of that after a fight about 20 years ago.

The person with the keys in his hand left what looked a LOT like tiget claw marks on his opponent's face, very nasty, very deep gashes.

If you're holding the keys correctly, your fingers don't take the punch force, the palm of your hand does.


New member
Very sad that there is no recommendation to go buy,at least some pepper spray or foam or a taser gun or handheld weapon.

The fact remains that a 110 pound woman fighting against a two hundred and fifty pound man without a long knife,pepper spray,foam or preferably a gun is a fight the woman will lose extremely quickly.

Especially if she loses all of what little defensive space and time she has to react by trying to talk reason with a determined criminal.

And make that woman a older woman and she really needs a gun to just hope to not get victimized.

What a load of really bad advise from the Illinois State Police there.

Using keys can help but it is important to not swing them at the bad guy-it is important to hold the ring in your hand with the keys out between your fingers and the plastic ends against your palms.

You swing those keys losely and they hit a bad guys head,the ring could spring itself and all your keys could go spraying down the street-DENYING YOU THE ABILITY TO ESCAPE IN YOUR CAR.
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New member
Since IL is a no-CCW state, I'd say a good knife with the longest blade that's legal to carry (I think it's 3" in IL but I could be wrong). One of those extendable ASP-style batons wouldn't be a bad idea either but I don't remember if those are legal to carry in IL (I got out of there nearly seven years ago).


New member
This is old news for those of us living here. printed up labels and placed them on tongue depressors and then pass them out at different functions such as county fairs, IGOLD (Illinois Gun Owner's Lobby Day) and SAFR (Second Amendment Freedom Rally).

I picked up the ISP brochure at the Chicago Auto Show this year and scanned it. I can't attach it here (the file is too big) so here is a link:
There is a link at the bottom of the page to download the entire scan of the brochure, it is 1.75 MB.

Notice the sticker over Blagojevich's name. :)


New member
Since IL is a no-CCW state, I'd say a good knife with the longest blade that's legal to carry (I think it's 3" in IL but I could be wrong). One of those extendable ASP-style batons wouldn't be a bad idea either but I don't remember if those are legal to carry in IL (I got out of there nearly seven years ago).
I think there are some municipalities that ban blades on length, but not Illinois state law. I can't recall there is even a prohibition on carry the knife at all unless you are planning to committ a crime.

(720 ILCS 5/24‑1) (from Ch. 38, par. 24‑1)
(Text of Section from P.A. 95‑809)
Sec. 24‑1. Unlawful Use of Weapons.
(a) A person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons when he knowingly:
(2) Carries or possesses with intent to use the same
unlawfully against another, a dagger, dirk, billy, dangerous knife, razor, stiletto, broken bottle or other piece of glass, stun gun or taser or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument of like character;

There may be other sections of Illinois law that apply that I can't think of off the top of my head.
"Excuse me sir, could you wait a minute while I find that little tongue depressor in the bottom of my purse. I intend to vomit so you won't brutally rape me."
Who knows, maybe Illinois women carry tongue depressors in thigh rigs and purse holsters.


New member
They cannot suggest something of real value in defense ie: spray, taser, gun, because that would present a danger or hazard to the bad guy. They may be breaking the law, but they have a right to live in a safe world as much as any other citizen in IL. Besides, the gun in the bad guy's hand was forced there by a citizen who owns that gun legally. The bad guy is just a victim of society and readily available guns for illegal purposes.

If only the citizens of IL would wake up and push for legislation banning all firearms, blunt weapons, sharp weapons, offensive weapons, defensive weapons, sprayed irritants, pressurized liquids or gases, chains, whips, sticks, rocks, or any other object that could be used as a weapon, or any objects that could be used to construct any type of weapon. Only then, will we all be safe in IL.


New member
Let's see....

nail file - check
pen - check
rat tail comb - check
keys - check
teasing brush - nope, not in my purse

What else...oh yeah...

something rigid - Keltec P32



New member
Wow. That is pretty ridiculous. I sure am glad that I live in a shall issue state. I'll just keep carrying my M&P 357c.

On a side note, as all the hype these days involves items that are "tactical", a cosmetic company could really make some money selling tactical personal hygiene items such as multicam nail files, hair brushes with molle attachments, and a teasing brush with the cool carbide glass breaker tip.:D:D