Illinois Govenor Taken Into Custody

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New member
At around 6 Am. this morning anti-gun Illinois Govenor Rod Blagojevich and his Chief of Staff John Harris were taken into custody by the FBI. The Govenor was taken into custody at his Chicago home.
It should be interesting to watch this one play out. Maybe former Govenor George Ryan will intervene. Opp's, I forget he's in prison too.


New member
interesting fact...but the thread is going to get locked because it is NOT firearms related but it is very political.


New member
Randy, you beat me to it; came in to post the good news. This bozo has been one of the worst anti-gunners in the country and his quick departure may help our friends in Illinois finally join the rest of the country with a workable concealed weapons license law.


New member
OK then, someone can post what are this arrested governors views on gun ownership. Bet we can guess. They don't seem to lock political threads too much unless they involve you know who! ;)


New member
George Ryan will intervene

bush jr. plans to pardon him so he will be free to do more good for the public:rolleyes:


New member
interesting fact...but the thread is going to get locked because it is NOT firearms related but it is very political.

basic gun board rule.

when one of the most virulently anti-gun politicians in the country goes down, we get to celebrate, even if it is OT.


New member
No wonder Dr. Frankenstein (Gov. Blagojevich) up in the castle wanted the pitchforks and torches out of the hands of the peasants. He KNEW what was going to happen when they found out about the "monster" (his corruption).

Still the man has a right to his "due process" so let's not just assume complete guilt, let's have this done right so that if he is guilty we can tie him up with a bow and send that package away.


New member
basic gun board rule.

when one of the most virulently anti-gun politicians in the country goes down, we get to celebrate, even if it is OT.

I know it's going to get locked but... I do like the above rule.

So what is the penalty for taking bids on a US Senate seat?
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