Illinois CCW?

Double J

New member
Where does Illinois sit on the CCW rights? There was a surge of hope we would have the right to carry, but it's been quiet for some time now. Are there any new updates?


New member
The federal appellate court overturned Illinois outright ban on CCW (for people without "Connections") and ordered them to pass SOME sort of CCW permit law within 6 months. Exactly how many restrictions and obstacles the chicago cabal will force into the bill is unknown. If they have their (chicago democrat) way it will be JUST BARELY possible for a citizen to get a CCW permit. Illinois left leaning attorney general COULD appeal the ruling to the supreme court and that could lead to more delays. The big danger for the anti-gun crowd in appealing is the possibility of LOSING.


New member
Lisa Madigan(attorney general - il) would only be wasting our (my) tax payer money in an appeal. They lost and should just get on with crafting a law for concealed carry within the timeline stated.
It should not be that hard, just look at WI and do something similar.
Take a few weeks tops.

Boy do I love Politics.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Let's clear up some things...

Lisa Madigan (Il AG) has petitioned the court for more time to decide to file for en banc (a rehearing before the entire court, instead of the 3 judge panel). The court agreed and gave her until Jan 8th to file... or not. Meanwhile, the 90 day clock to file a petition before the Supreme Court is running.

Judge Posner did not order the Il Legislature to provide a CC law. In a 2-1 decision, the panel found the Il carry laws unconstitutional, reversed the lower (district) courts and remanded the cases back to them with the mandate to enter a declaration of the laws unconstitutionality and issue a permanent injunction.

However, the appeals court stayed its mandate for 180 days to allow the Il Legislature to pass appropriate legislation to allow carry in some constitutional form.

The assumption of many, is that this will be a CC law, instead of simple open carry (something none of the Chicago elite wants - they want that less than some CC law).

Whether or not you get a law like NY/MD or even CA, is up in the air. Whether or not the panel will accept such a law is up in the air (given the criticism by Judge Posner in the Kachalsky decision).

That's where you (in Il) stand, at the moment.


New member
The likelihood IL goes "may-issue" is close to zero, here's why: The current makeup of the legislature was within inches of a shall-issue CC bill passing a few months ago. Outside of Chicago and its close suburbs, it's all for shall-issue. With the no-carry law struck down, Chicago can't simply try to stonewall, because if nothing is done then technically anyone with an FOID can carry openly or concealed in most places. Chicago definitely doesn't want this. Our side will want something passed to at least have statewide uniformity and keep localities from trying to pass all kinds of nonsense laws.

So in a nutshell the best Chicago can do is maybe try to get training requirements or other requirements(that are common in other states). One of the main legislators who pushed for a watered down CC bill last time said they wouldn't be so nice this time. Chicago had a chance for that watered down bill last time, and WILL pay this time. IL should get a strong CC law, with reciprocity,restaurant/bar carry,exc. which wasn't in the original bill.


New member
I'm not so optomistic. I think we'll get a law with as many restrictions and obstacles as chicago can pile on. Some juristictions (like new york and california) are hoping Madigan doesn't appeal, for fear the SCOTUS will render a deceision striking down THEIR highly restrictive laws.