Illinois - ccw - current status?

aikidoka - mks

New member
Right now I live in NW Indiana - very nice when it comes to firearms and ccw :) BUT It is possible my next new job will take me to far into Illinois to commute as I have been doing for the past 8 years.

Im irritated with the FOID card as it is. I know CCW is not allowed in Illinois but is this fanny pack loophole still available or did the legislative scum obliterate it? Is a CCW law in the works or is it dying in committee?

I may end up working in Joliet and the towns out that way seem to be a bit more gun friendly according to a friend of mine but I have no way of verifying that. To bad O'Malley didnt make it :-(




New member
Not a chance.

HB401 is the only bill, AFAIK, for CCW reform in Illinois.

However, the House of Representatives will never pass it (Speaker Mike Madigan is a democrat, and a Daley flunky), or even allow it to get out of committee.

Oh, it gets even better. It's looking more and more like Rod Blagojevich is going to win the governorship, and he stated a few years ago that he wanted to ban civilian handgun ownership outright.

Illinois may become the first state to ban handguns entirely. Chicago controls the entire state, and the downstate "hunters and sportsman" can't even muster the votes to override the idiot voters in the Chicago/Lake County area. Awful situation.

The only case winding it's way through the courts is Morley v. Daley, and that's a case being pursued by Concealed Carry, Inc. However, court cases take years....

aikidoka - mks

New member
Yep I think Blagojevich is going to get in. The media in Chicago are so biased. I didnt know that there was a case that ruled in favor of someone who carried in the manner of that fanny pack loophole. I think they did make a bit deal about even the idea that this was legal but oh have a court say it is and not a peep.

Now what is up with the Republican party? Wouldn't O'Malley have galvanized the grassroots better than Ryan? I know its hard to believe but isnt there a very high chance that Ryan's name alone is a huge negative with non-thinking media programmed sheeple?

Its a shame - is there no way to educate the public in Illinois? The facts are on our side concerning firearm ownership. The right to defend oneself seems a no-brainer to me.

On a slightly positive note - If I take a job in Joliet - it is just under 40 miles so I can brave the commute; until Illinois bans radar detectors ;-)



New member
Illinois may become the first state to ban handguns entirely. Chicago controls the entire state, and the downstate "hunters and sportsman" can't even muster the votes to override the idiot voters in the Chicago/Lake County area. Awful situation.

Blagojevich LOST, yes LOST in the Greater Metropolitan Chicago area, even though he was the Machine candidate. He won the primary because he carried the "hunters and sportsmen" downstate who believed that the leopard has changed his spots. I'm almost hoping Blago wins so the "hunters and sportsmen" lose their guns, and just maybe wake up.
Maybe then the various organizations within IL will work together to take back the 2nd Amendment instead of fighting each other or saying "they're not coming for my guns so what do I care?"

Jeff White

New member
Blagojevich LOST, yes LOST in the Greater Metropolitan Chicago area, even though he was the Machine candidate. He won the primary because he carried the "hunters and sportsmen" downstate who believed that the leopard has changed his spots.

He won downstate because few people crossed party lines to vote against him in the primary. There is a whole lot of pent up anger among downstate democrats over the lackluster support Glenn Poshard received in Chicago in the last election. Good possibility it'll be payback time in November.

BTW, there is no campaign going on down here. Haven't heard any radio ads, seen any signs in yards....I wonder why? While the counties down here are heavily democratic locally, the often go republican in state and national elections. Of course I don't believe the republican choice is any better....



New member
One thing politicians understand are the numbers. If Jim Ryan gets elected it will be the the gun owners that put him in and he is not an idiot. And Madigan understands numbers. Daley lives in his own world and always will.


New member
Ryan's campaign is not getting off the ground. He finally picked up the rather minor endorsement of the small business assoc. He badly trails Blago in money raised. Blago has the endorsement of the big unions including the teachers and the police.
and the Chicago Dems may not have supported him in the primary but they WILL support him in the general election.
The reason the campaign is fairly quiet is because they are both aggressively fundraising among the party faithful right now and banking for a major blitz closer to the election. This will probably be one of the most expensive state guv campaigns in history.
I find it interesting that the ISRA is sending me tons of mail wanting me to help defeat the evil Blago but they can't bring themselves to endorse Ryan. Cal Hawkinson is a great guy running with Ryan (for lt. guv) but if I have to vote for either Ryan or Blago I'll probly barf on my ballot.:barf:


New member
This is probably the WORST election ever, at least in IL. It is playing out like a bad sitcom. Neither candidate is their party's "choice" it's more like throwing names against the wall to see who sticks. SOMEBODY has to win but it's not gonna be the voters.

Cal Skinner is the ONLY RKBA/pro-2A candidate, and I'm gonna "waste" a vote on him AND encourage as many people as I can to "waste" votes for him as well. With Jim "At least I'm not George" Ryan and Rod "not present" Blagojevich the choice is how fast (when) guns will be banned, not "if" guns will be banned.

mister rogers

New member
The answer to your questions are:

It will be a cold day in hell before a CCW law gets passed in Illinois, because the Democrats will never support it and the Republicans won't either as the party is controlled by the Rhino wing of the party who whorship at the feet of the chicago collar county soccer moms.

Yes, you can carry an unloaded gun in a fanny pack with a loaded magazine, so long as you are prepared to be arrested and pay an attorney alot of money to get off.

Despite, his advantages or maybe because of them Blago will probably lose - ie he will lose downstate big time because he is a chicago democrat, he will win chicago big because he is a chicago democrat, and therefore the election will come down to the soccer mom vote, (Jim Ryan has had cancer, his wife almost died from cancer or a heart attack, and he lost a 12 year old daughter to a stroke I believe), so you tell me who the soccer moms are going to vote for, can you say massive sympathy vote.

Not that it makes alot of difference, who wins, they're both antigun, it's just that Blago will probably push hard on it, and Ryan will not. The only thing that prevents more draconian gun control laws in Illinois right now is Pate Phillips and the Republican controlled Senate. Our currrent Gov. George Ryan is an antigunner too.


New member
I am digging a hole in the yard, but I won't say where.

This election is going to be incredibly depressing.

O'Malley was the only real chance we had and the regular GOP threw him under the bus for the ultimate "moderate" Ryan. Jim Ryan has spent way too much time talking about George Ryan and distancing himself from RINO Ryan.

Voting for Cal Skinner, the Libertarian is a "feel good" option, you know kind of like voting for Nader was for the lefties. Sadly it may provide just enough of a drain to put Roddie boy in the capital, along with every gun owners worst nightmare, "Little Lisa Madigan".

A lot of folks feel that we need to "send a message" to the regular GOP. I don't think they are listening or that they care what we think right now. They are trying to figure out what they want to be if they ever grow up and how to rebuild a party that they flushed down the crapper when they put George Ryan in as a candidate. I know some of those folks and none of them had any idea how liberal Ryan really was at heart. They all thought he was just your average money grubbing semi-crooked politico. Now he can't find enough liberal causes to support as he leaves office and before his prosecution begins.

I'm going to hold my nose and vote for Ryan. Only because I think he's likely to do just slightly less damage to our rights than Blow-Jo will. The budget problems and other issues facing the state will keep him pretty busy I think. Blow-Jo, on the other hand, will put through an immediate State income and sales tax increase as his solution.

In the meantime I'm geting a nice hole or two dug in the yard for "storage" purposes and ordering some nice tightly sealed tubes. I do not put it past Blow-Jo to have the Illinois Sturm Gewher visit every FFL license holder, C&R or otherwise to show how much he cares about "the children". He will try and give Daley his "safe radius" and that almost all of us.

It stinks to high heaven, but that's what we get for not being more involved at the grass roots level I guess. More conservative state senators and representatives will eventually equal a more conservative state GOP.

Just my opinion.

Don P.