"Illegal" Wallet Holsters FA on eBay

Long Path

New member
BATF won't let them be made and sold commercially anymore, but is there actually any law against owning them or selling them in private sales? Can anyone cite the text or a link to this?
"BATF won't let them be made and sold commercially anymore, but is there actually any law against owning them or selling them in private sales? "


There is no law against sell AFAIK. Of course if some rube buys one and has a firearm for the holster in his posession, then when he gets the holster he is in violation of the law.

In Item 1172651655, the seller has made a short barreled rifle which is a violation of the law without proper registration.

Guy L Johnson

New member
Request for Clarification

After followint the above link it leads to exactly this text.

(M25) If a person has a pistol and an attachable shoulder stock, does this constitute possession of an NFA firearm? [Back]

Yes, unless the barrel of the pistol is at least 16 inches in length (and the overall length of the firearm with stock attached is at least
26 inches). However, certain stocked handguns, such as original semiautomatic Mauser "Broomhandles" and Lugers, have been
removed from the purview of the NFA as collectors' items. [27 CFR 179.11]

How does this have relivence to the question posed? The desire here is to obtain information as to weather possesion or use of said device(holster) is aginst any federal law and if so which of the many is it?
any response that will lead me to the information would be greatly appriciated.
Thank You
Guy L Johnson

I like the device but with the above mentioned guns it poses many problems at to slide and ejection problems I dont think the 21 has an extractor works on strictly blow back as the 950 BS they appear to be almost the same gun


Staff Emeritus
Long Path,

"BATF won't let them be made and sold commercially anymore..."

It's an outlawed holster? How so?


New member
Some dealer at the last gunshow I attended in Dallas was selling that holster with the Kel-Tec P32's. He was acting like the holster was a great deal at $50 or so.


Didn't look that great to me.



New member


ATF has defined numerous inquires regarding wallet guns and wallet holsters.

AS defined in section 5854(e) of the National Firearms Act (NFA), the term" any other weapons" includes certain concealable weapons. Various types of disguised weapons such as cane guns, belt buckle guns, and briefcase guns (with remote control firing mechanisms) fall within the "any other weapon" category. It is unlawful to make, possess, or transfer such firearms without complying with the provisions of the NFA..

During the 1970's, ATF determined that various small handguns combined with certain "wallet holsters" fall into the "any other weapons" category and are subject to the provisions of the NFA These wallet holsters are generally rectangular in shape, are designed to disguise the appearance of the handgun, and are designed to allow the weapon to be fired while it is contained within the wallet. The handgun combined with the wallet holster constitutes an NFA firearm.

A conventional pistol or revolver which is possessed without the wallet holster would not be an NFA firearm. A wallet holster alone is not subject to NFA controls and cannot be registered or transferred as a firearm.. Firearms contained in conventional holsters, trouser pockets, purses, gun cases, or various other forms of carrying cases have not been determined to fall within the definition of an "any other weapons", even though it may be possible to discharge a firearm while it is carried in such a manner.

In order for an individual to lawfully " make" a wallet gun, that is to say, acquire both the handgun and the wallet holster, the person must, first submit an Application to Make and Register a Firearm ( ATF Form I ), pay a $200 making tax, and receive approval of the application. The serial number appearing on the handgun should be used to register the firearm . Transfer of a wallet gun requires an approved transfer application and payment of a $5 transfer tax. A transfer will not be approved unless the wallet gun has been registered to the transferor.

Mere sale or possession of the wallet holster without the handgun is not a violation of the NFA . However, 18 U.S.C. section 2, provides that a person that a person who aids or abets another person in the commission of an offense is also responsible for the offense. Therefore, sale or distribution of a wallet holster with knowledge that it will be used to make an unregistered NFA firearm may also place the seller or distributor of the holster in violation of the NFA.

This should clear every thing



New member
Uh, oh. Another NFA guy. Careful, rhedley. You may be called arrogant for expressing any interest in Title II weapons.


New member
Ok Boys and Girls,
I just contacted a nice young lady I know who works at Ebay in thier SafeHarbor Depatment, (They're the jack booted thugs who come after you, if your selling Child Porno or other bad stuff.)

She has forwarded it up the line and the wallets will stay on the block.

Ebays official policy on this is...

"After serious consideration of all the issues, we have made the difficult decision to eliminate the Firearms category on eBay. We believe the listing of firearms is inappropriate on eBay because the process of buying and selling firearms online is sufficiently different from the offline world.

The current laws governing the sale of firearms were created for the non-Internet sale of firearms. These laws may work well in the real world, but they work less well for the online trading of firearms, where the seller and the buyer rarely meet face-to-face. The online seller cannot readily guarantee that the buyer meets all the qualifications and complies with the laws governing firearm sales.

We feel this is the right decision for the eBay community.

Any firearms listed on the site will be ended, and the seller will receive a warning. A repeat offense will result in an indefinite suspension from eBay.

Please note that this policy also prohibits the listing of collectible, antique, or sport firearms. Firearms-related items, however, such as holsters and scopes, may still be listed on eBay. You may want to list those items in categories such as the following:

* Collectibles: Western Americana
* Collectibles: Militaria
* Miscellaneous: Sporting Goods: Hunting

This decision was not made lightly or in haste. We understand that this decision may disappoint you, but we hope that you understand the difficulty we faced in making this decision. We also hope that you will continue to work with us to make eBay an even better place for online trading."

So there you go the infor from Ebay.}

PLUS I got a date out of it for tonight!


Staff Emeritus

Thank you, sir! I must admit I had no idea that a holster could be illegal. Thank goodness we have the Second Amendment to protect our Rights and a federal government who believes in the Constitution.

Jeez! It sure is hard NOT to go on a REAL rant right now.... :mad:

... the Right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

... I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

... The check's in the mail.....

(( Sorry. This makes me so angry I truly begin to blither! ))


New member
NFA [National Firearms Act ]

The reason the document was so close at hand is, I am often asked to make such devices....


It's freakin amazin'

That a piece of cow, tanned and preserved, is a AOW and deserves a $200 tax. Hell, you can just put the dang gun in your pocket, without a holster, and it's not against the law (well, in vermount anyway or those who "paid" for their freedoms).

I guess my pocket flashlight holster, with a space cut out so you can turn it on while encased is "illegal".

Screw the batf... I am a freeman, and I'll get a piece of cow any dang time I wish.. and I won't pay any $200 tax for the "permission" either.

I had heard that the USA was getting stupid from my parents in the '70's. I think they've gone way beyond that.....
