I'll envy Glock for this... : )


New member
I don't think this is available for the USP! :D





New member
I understand the barrels from the compensated versions of Birdman's "Homeboy" Glocks can be utilized as crack-pipes so you can have all your hardware with you at all times.

Good thing, 'cause I'm always leaving my pipe in the back seat after ditching the car I stole to cap a homie (sp?) during a drive-by in the hood.... :rolleyes:


New member
Although this does look very silly to you and I, it's actually a very feasible idea. Many police depts. and other LE agencies are trained to shoot with their handgun sideways from behind barracades. It's more natural and comfortable.
Oh thank God for Parody. I've actually tried to shoot "gangsta style" and if I ever get shot at PLEASE have gangsters sights! Please forgive me for shootin "gangsta style"

D.W. Drang

New member
Although this does look very silly to you and I, it's actually a very feasible idea.
You gotta be kiddin' me.
Try it. Go ahead, go out to the range and shoot a pistol holding it Hollywierd-style, and see how well you do.

LSW someitmyes watched that Dick Van Dyke show where he's the ME or coroner or whatever and is solvcing all these murders the cops can't solve whatever it's called, and in one episode, they suspected a cop was the perp. IIRC, it was allegedly an accidental shooting, but they thought he did it on purpose, so th ehwoel hting centered on whether he was your average "barely-know-how-to-pull-the-trigger" cop or whetehr he was that rare cop who knows something about shooting.
He had been transferred to working at the PD range, so Dr. Van Dyke went to visit him, where he observed the suspect shooting his model 92 with extended mag well, match trigger, and whatever other rooney stuff is available for Berettas, and asks "Can I try?" claiming he's never fired a pistol, despite having worked for the PD for decades, and his son is a Detective LT working on his law degree, but never mind...
Dick takes the pistol and proceeds to "aim" home-boy style. Policeman says "What the h3!! are you doing!?"
"Well, I see it in movies and it looks cool."
"<shrug> It's your funeral..."
BANG! Bullet goes ricocheting off of walls and ceiling, and DVD is holding a VERY sore wrist and using language you don't normally picture Rob Petrey using...

OK, yes, there are some situations where you might want to angle your pistol. But holding it horizontally is, pardon the expression, for the Birds.

Oh, yes, I note that else has noted it, so I will observe that the Chief of Police in Norfolk or some other town in Virginia saw a printout of this page and raised cain over it, getting the city council into quite a stew and making all concerned look like utter @$$e$ when it was revealed to be a joke.
Then again, see my .sig...


New member
One individual tried doing that with my Glock 20.

Rest assured, he tried it once, and only once. The brass gets flung with pretty good force (200 grain TMJ, 1175), and the indentation in his forehead was a painful reminder not to ever do it again.


New member
As posted by D.W.:
You gotta be kiddin' me.
Try it. Go ahead, go out to the range and shoot a pistol holding it Hollywierd-style, and see how well you do.

Many people have tried it. I was in a tournament and the entire course of fire on that particular night was holding your pistol "gangsta" style to the left and to the right as well as holding it upside down with two hands.

While it was unusual this way, I was still accurate enough to be lethal from 15 yds. As I said, some police and other LE depts. train to shoot from behind barracades this way because it is more natural and you expose less of your body.

I don't like it, but with practice as with anything else, you could attain a reasonable amount of accuracy.

If a DemocRat came rolling down the road shooting at me "gangsta" style, while I might feel I had a better chance of getting to cover before getting hit, I also know that if he's practiced this style enough, he may have some degree of accuracy.


New member
D.W. Drang -

Indeed some police units do train to fire this way. I have done it myself.

Visualize, if you will, holding up a 35 pound body bunker with your left hand, looking through the port hole window, and fireing your pistol (using the sights) with your right hand. The only way you will get the pistol over far enough to index the sights is if you hold the gun horizontally, like AirTech pointed out.

Unless, of course, you have the arms of an orangutang, or are exposing the right side of your body to fire instead of keeping it tucked behind the bunker.

But I didn't see this on TV, so what do I know? :p