I'll be on the Alex Jones radio show...


New member
I recieved a call from the Alex Jones radio show (Inforwars.com).

They will be talking to me about the attack by HCI against the parody sites.

It's all going to happen twice, this Tuesday at 10am and Thursday at 7:30pm. I'm not sure if it's a live broadcast.

I hope I don't make myself out the fool! This is only the second one I've done, and I don't think the first one went all that well... ;)


New member
You'll do fine, John. Give 'em hell! We'll be listening, so you'll be among friends and compatriots.

- Gabe


New member
Perhaps you could talk to Jim March and he could give you some cool things to bring up?

- Gabe


New member
What is the real difference between parody sites and other forms of entertainment like movies and tv? Besides the billions of dollars and photogenic spokes people, I mean. Compared to major media outlets, these parody websites reach very few people.

Hollywood has completely absolved itself from any moral resposibility of the effects of what it churns out. Although I do not agree with this, if we accept this, why do we not extend this to websites? There is no real difference.

Further, if we argue that well balanced (educationally and mentally) adults know better, that they can judge accurately for themselves what is real and what is merely entertainment, why does this ability disappear when a website is concerned?

These websites also parody movie cliches. If you are offended, attack the source, Hollywood. Or does attacking the big dog scare the media? (Yes, I know we all know the answer to that.) The right to free speach does not absolve anybody of ethical responsibility.

Do we claim that Dawin Awards websites promote suicidal stupidity? (And if so, is it not really for the best of the gene pool?)

Does HCI not grossly parody itself by distorting facts and putting outright lies out to further it's own ends? By endorsing through its actions the belief that any action in furtherence of one's goals is right, they are making a mockery of their cause. How can one be right without doing right? The willingness to do anything for the "good" tends to be twisted to totalitarianism.

Would HCI prefer websites similar to truth.com (might not be right, just remember from commerials. Instead of attacking the tobacco industry, they can attack gun control. We can show all the rape and murder victims whose lives could have been saved if they CCWed. We can also show the people whose lives were saved, and the millions of unreported incidents where CCW prevented violent crime. This site would not be parody, they would be the truth.

In conclusion, they can bite me.


New member
I have personally met Alex Jones on several occasions, mostly at RKBA rallies in Austin. Some folks say he is a little “abrasive” for their tastes.

I believe that he is a fine fellow and we are lucky to have him in our camp. He is a knowledgeable and articulate “firebrand” and clearly frustrates the opposition.

At the last Mother’s Day SAS rally in Austin, he had the MMM’s hackles up and proceeded to dog them non-stop the entire day.



Bravo, John.

Everyone, I've been listening to the Alex Jones show on the internet via the following link:


he's on one of two genesis communication network channels there. Need winamp player (found its more reliable than real player).

Also check out www.gcnlive.com has the whole days schedule, with links to audio streams.

Wouldn't you know, these links are down for repair today...hope they're up soon!?!!


New member
Thanks guys for your support!

I'm breathing again. :)

I managed to get Rich and TFL, handguncontrol.net, and handguncontrolinc.org mentioned, and I hope it helps.

My next interview is 7:30pm PST Thursday.


New member
Caught part of the interview and was generally good. Noted that for some reason Alex Jones seems to be glibber in his speaking than you did. Could it be practice??
If you needed more practice could you get on the MMM speakers bureau??:D I would think they would love to hear you.