I'll be in Bakersfield the evening of 8/20 at the NRA MC meeting...

Jim March

New member
Hi all,

I'll be a guest speaker at the NRA Member's Council meeting in Bakersfield, Kern County, the evening of 8/20 discussing CCW reform, and Kern/Bakersfield's unusual situation.

Kern County's Sheriff Sparks is among the best in CCW policies, with the highest number of permits issued and a shall-issue policy - UNLESS you live inside Bakersfield, in which case you might as well live in LA :(. There are other counties/cities in the same boat, but none as stark as the contrast in issuance policies between these jurisdictions.

We'll talk about why it's illegal, and what to do about it.


Carrow's on Easton Drive. Coming on 99 take the California
exit, go west one block, that is Easton, turn right, it is right behind the Del Taco/Mobil station.

Per the chapter head, they get there about 1700 to eat, 1830 meeting starts.

Hope to see you there, 'specially if you're local :).

El Rojo

New member
And you know what is really strange about all of this? Bakersfield PD is a fairly conservative department with a very conservative population it serves. You would think they would act just the way Kern County does as far as arming the citizens. I am moving into my new house today, so I probably won't be able to make it. Sorry. :(