IL Resident needing PA Carry Permit!


New member
I'm currently an IL resident, but my fiancee and I are planning on spending the summer with some relatives. I remember awhile back reading a site where IL residents were issued PA carry permits through the mail, and were then able to carry in other states with PA reciprocity. I've checked out, but it doesn't specifically address how someone living in a state like mine could go about (long distance-ly) getting a PA permit. PA has reciprocity with arizona, texas and indiana which are all the states that concern me!

How do we both go about getting PA permits? Any IL residents already do this? Any training certifications etc?

Thanks guys.



New member
I might not have been clear. Out of staters need to send in the normal application, which is much like a form to buy firearms. They send in passport photos, along with their permit to carry from their home state if their home state has one. Illinois doesn't, but you might as well send in your FOID. The link above is specifically for out-of-staters, as Centre County deals with out of state licenses. No classes, just the application, money, picture, background check. They can go pretty slow if they want to, so I'd reccommend starting early. Good luck!


New member
WOW ! That is amazing. Here in NY up to recently you had to go directly to pistol licensing to even get the ap. Now you can go there or to a local precinct to pick up the ap. Bring a hand truck though, it is a lot of paper work. Notarized copies, multiple checks, statement of need, Birth certificate, pictures, Identification, bank records, references..... Then the waiting game starts.


New member
Unfortunately in PA, for PA residents it's actually a bit harder that for out of staters (in my exp.) You have to go to your county courthouse to get the background check card, which you then give the local police. Some districts will take their sweet time checking you out and sending it back to the courthouse, which you then have to go back to to pick it up in person. A bother if you live far from the courthouse. Seems easier for out-of-staters.

Definitely easy compared to other states though, just weird that it seems easier for non-citizens of the state.