If you're limited to 10 rounds...

Pistola Pedro

New member
how does it affect the attractiveness of high-cap pistols going forward?
For instance, someone may be considering a Glock 19 vs. a 4 inch 1911 in 9mm for a "do all" pistol. If they are both limited to 10 rounds, doesn't that change the game a little.
I guess what I'm asking is, do you think that full sized double stacks become obsolete and the single stack service size polymer becomes the next big fad?
As an aside, I'm currently considering either a STI IV 9mm vs. a P99 AS, so it's a very pertinent conversation for me.


New member
there actually isn't that much in the way of single stacks. also ammo cap bans are not permanent, in the event that a ban is lifted or relaxed, it is easy to turn a 10 round double stacked 9mm into a 15 or higher round double stack but a 10 round single stack is impossible to increase without just making longer, more ungainly magazines.


New member
The same way it did before. I have never been "attracted" to hi-cap pistols in the first place.
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Strafer Gott

New member
Short stack

Yes, the old Sig 225, 220, 1911, PPK may regain their popularity. I'm glad I kept them. Of course, I'm glad I kept the USP Tactical more.


Return of the Mack(.40Super)....

Maybe a federal gun ban will bring back 1990s era hits like the .40Super, the .400Corbon, the .41AE, etc.
I always liked the potent .40Super. It feeds great & has high KE levels.



New member
Are you referring to a ban on new magazines over 10 rounds? Ah,

*More single stacks ala PPS and Shield for CC. Also the smaller Glock, M&Pc and RUger SR9c style as well and their height is already short and its advantageous.
*You'll still see the big boys (full size double columns) but the only magazines available will be ten rounders.
*Might be more of a migration to bigger calibers. In addition to the 1911 platform we've seen the usual plastic gun suspects come out with .40 and .45ACP versions recently.

serf 'rett

New member
My take is ...

...I just ordered a Springfield XDm 5.25, in .45ACP, because the magazines hold more than 10.

When (and if) the ban comes, then will be the time to get that 1911 style to partner with my current lower capacity carry critters getters.

Deaf Smith

New member
Since my main carry guns are sub-compact Glocks 26/27/33 and J .38s then it won't affect me just about at all.

True I have some 11 shot Glock 26 OEM mags but big deal.

Now I do have some Glock 17 and 19 mags but really I'm not worried.

In fact, if there is another ban then I suggest every gun owner VOTE OUT THEIR REPS AND SENATORS who vote for it.

See that is about the only way you can get their attention. Vote them out if they say 'yea'.



New member
So, with a ban, what happens to existing mags?

I'm all glock.... so I'd have to turn in my normal capacity mags and get small ones?

To answer the OP question, I am going to be FAR more interested in revolvers if automatics become a big gun-control hassle.

Reliable as a glock and no concerns about mags.


New member
What happens to existing mags all depends on grandfathering. From what they've proposed my understanding is mags out there currently that you own would be fine. Depending on how strict they go you might not be able to sell them, however. I have 6 magazines for all my pistols, I'm not worried. Even if I had only 10 rds, I'd still go with 9mm. To me if you honestly would change what caliber you carry simply because you have 10 instead of say 15 rds, maybe you shouldn't have been carrying that caliber in the first place as you don't seem to have a ton of confidence in it.


New member
Not that I think its gonna happen (again).... But all current hi cap magazines are grandfathered in so you will still be able to use them. Hense why every one is loosing their mind and buying them up. This was what fired up the resurgent of the 1911 45acp back then. A better idea is Stay Strong and fight the very idea of a ban. Let others know you enjoy shooting and own many guns and are proud of it. Don't let the media push or shame the idea that only weird people own guns. They are trying to change public perception like they did with smoking. Don't let it happen. The government works for you and not the other way around.


New member
Full sized pistols are more accurate but I think we'd see a lot more polymer makers making single stacks if it's a retroactive ban. Frankly, I see about 2 years at least before it happens. Personally, I think the inability of the govt. to do anything at all, let alone anything right, in the last 5 years or so will lead to a delay on legislation both good and bad. That's my opinion, though. However, with my current and long lasting affection for wheel guns, I'm limited to 8 or 9 anyway. It will make me mad, but it won't affect my collection.

I think with ammo prices, the 1911 won't be as attractive as last time. .45 ammo isn't cheap like it was. Frankly, I'd like to see single stack polymer 9mms from someone other than Kahr anyway :).


New member
Banned or not. Its not going to change the amount of rounds I carry. Just the manner in which I carry them. I guess I'd just carry and extra mag. I may practice reloading a bit more too.


New member
I know this is the semi-auto forum, but if limited to 10 rounds, then I'd take a second look at 7 or 8 shot .357 magnum revolvers. If capacity is out the window, then I'll take a Model 27. Otherwise, 1911s in 10mm and .38 super hold more rounds without extending below the grip and compact, double stacked autos are very space efficient.