If you wanted quality over quantity, what would you sell, add, keep


New member
From what I currently own.

Ruger MKII Hunter stainless (no question here, I am keeping this one)
Ruger MKIII 22/45 3.5 barrel I believe shoot it well but not crazy about plastic frame.
Ruger MKIII 22/45 6.8 stainless barrel. Would prefer an all metal but do like it.
Ruger LCP .380. Hides well for carry, hurts to shoot. Would prefer 9mm for ccw.
Springfield XDm 3.8 9mm with the 13 and 19 round mag. Like it but don't shoot it well.
S&W 910S 9mm bough used but have not fired yet. Would have preferred a 59, 69 or 39 series but took what was available.
Sig P239 9mm. My preferred setup DA/SA decocker. Don't shoot it well
Glock G27 with 9mm conversion barrel. Prefer 9mm but this gun has NEVER failed.
Ruger SR1911 like it, love the looks, don't shoot it well.

Off from this forum but will include it. M&P 15 sport (currently for sale here). Would like trade or outright sale in CT.

Guns that I don't have but like. Would like to stay in either 9mm or .45. Mostly 9mm as the SR1911 may go as well. I do like .45 but it doesn't have to be a 1911.

Walther PPS, PPQ, Kahr PM9, Beretta FS92 inox compaq, S&W gen3 stainless, Shield, Sig P220, H&K P2000sk.

Now, does it make sense for me to sell, lose money in the process in order to get these guns as replacements or do I already have very comparable pistols?



New member
Please forgive me for saying this, but in what I read I don't see a centerfire gun you mention where you say "I shoot this one well", even the one that you say is your preferred setup (why is it preferred?). That is my primary concern in deciding whether or not to keep a pistol, with my next concern being is it redundant in relation to something else I have to warrant getting rid of it. I might almost suggest that you work at a weapon style (i.e. SAO w/ safety, striker fired safe-action, hammer fired DA/SA, etc) until you get to a point where you do shoot it well. This would make picking your next gun much easier as you would know what "system" works best for you.

Verbal Clint

New member
I believe I would ditch the ruger .380 and the SR1911. The former because it hurts to shoot, and you shouldn't give yourself an excuse to not practice with your carry weapon. The SR1911 because you don't shoot it well. I think there may be as many gun companies making 1911's as there are toy companies making teddy bears. With all the aftermarket grips and what not, you can easily find opa 1911 that looks just as good or better, and more importantly...shoots well :D


New member
Drop the Ruger LCP and get the Kahr PM9 if you want a very compact (practically pocket) pistol. I pocket carry mine in a desantis holster. The prices on the PM9 have come down quite a bit and you can easily find some around $500 - $550 on Gunbroker.

I would also drop the Ruger 22/45 with the 3.5 inch barrel. There is no reason to keep it if you have the longer barrel version of it as well as a MKII Hunter.

Some people would disagree, but see what you can get for your XDm 3.8 in 9mm. You already have a Glock 27 with a 9mm conversion barrel. That means you have your concealed carry weapon covered. I would wait to see what kind of gun bans the Dems have up their sleeves before parting with it. The high cap mags are going to be going up in value if Feinstein has her way.

I'm not sure why you bought a S&W 910S if it was not what you really wanted. I would consider dropping that to free up some cash for a "quality" gun.

I like Sigs and I used to be a big fan of the DA/SA trigger. The issue is that the heavy long DA trigger pull is not great for accuracy. The first person to put lead on target has a serious advantage. I am also very converned about stray shots hitting a bystander. That is why I switched to a Glock 26 from my Sig P228. The smaller size helped as well. I switched from the Glock to the Kahr because I really have a hard time even carrying the Glock based on my normal attire.

If you can carry the Glock 27, then I suggest you stick with it. If it is too big to carry, then consider the Kahr I mentioned above. Glocks are great carry guns and they are very reliable.

The Ruger SR1911 is a nice looking gun, but I really wonder why you don't shoot it well. The SR1911 is on the middle to lower end of the 1911 spectrum and it is a realtively new product for Ruger. If you seel your other stuff and are looking for quality, there are plenty of VERY HIGH QUALITY 1911s. I had a Sig P245 that I could not shoot worth a darn (according to my standards). I shoot very tight groups with a P228 and a P229, but for some reason or other, not with the P245. I traded it at the gun show and upgraded to a Les Baer Thunder Ranch Special. The Thunder Ranch Special is one of my favorite guns and everyone who shoots it is absolutely amazed by it. This, my friend, is QUALITY!!!

I am not sure why you are selling your AR right now. If it gets banned, forget about trying to buy another one. You may be concerned about not being able to sell it later and want to cash in on the craze. If you are certain you don't really care to have the AR, then by all means sell it and get some good money for it.

Now for the other guns you mentioned:
Walther PPS- Forget it. You have a Glock 27.
PPQ- This doesn't do much for me. I don't care for Walthers much.
Kahr PM9- Great little carry gun. Very reliable and decent trigger. Dump LCP.
Beretta FS92 inox compaq- Great looking gun but so-so shooter for me. They are not on par with Sigs or HKs.
S&W gen3 stainless- Doesn't do much for me. Not bad, but nothing special.
Shield- Very Similar to your Glock 27. What is the point?
Sig P220- Great gun. This is quality. You may not shoot it well like your P239
H&K P2000sk- Not sure why you list so many compact/subcompact guns. HK make quality guns, but I would go for a full size one.

One final thought (please do not take offense), consider selling some of these guns and buy more ammo to practice. I shoot pretty much all of my guns well and shoot pretty much anything fairly well. You might even consider getting a coach or going to a shooting school. First thing I always do when I can't shoot something well is call the range officer over to try it out. If they shoot well with it, then the problem is me. Have them watch you and give you advice.

Sorry for the long winded response!


New member
As a PS, if you want to know what I consider quality...




My "quality" guns include:
H&K P7M8
STI Edge
Sig P210 (50th Anniversary Edition) Pictured above
Les Baer Thunder Ranch Special (Hard Chromed) Pictured above
Les Baer Monolith Heavyweight (just ordered)


New member
While I am at it, might as well add some knife ****...


I've added some more to the collection but haven't taken pics yet. You guys like my "butterfly" collection? I used to be hard core Benchmade, but I have since added several other brands.


New member
Of all the guns I own, I shoot the G27 best but would prefer to have a dedicated 9mm. The P239 I shoot good but not as well as the Glock.

XDm I shoot high but it is said that I should be pointing at 6pm when shooting. So with more practice, my accuracy may improve. It is my dedicated home defense gun due to its high capacity.

The SR1911 has only about 60 rounds on it so probably not enough. Beautiful gun but nothing I would actually carry since is way too heavy. Whenever I ccw, I used either the Glock or the Sig.

I did failed to mention that I love CZ75B stainless and the CZ75BD in 9mm.

As another poster commented about the AR, yes, I know that they may become hard to get later on but I am from CT, actually Newton and is not something that I would miss because I wasn't using it that much to begin with. Only 20 rounds since I bought it last summer.

I know that I didn't do anything wrong, hurt anyone with it, it is just hard to keep right now. I prefer to embrace my neighbors right now and not deal with the possible garbage coming down the line.

No disrespect to any 2nd amendment advocates, this is just something personal as I spend about 6 years going to that school to get my children and by the grace of God my daughter was no longer there as she had graduated to the middle school

I doesn't mean I want to give it away, but if a fair deal comes my way, I will move on.

Again, no disrespect to anyone. It is not my way and I hope you don't disrespect me. I am just having a hard time putting this past me as I know people who lost their children. Somehow, selling or trading my AR makes me feel more closer to them and what they are going through.

Respects to all


New member
Wow Viper... I doubt anyone would fault you for letting your AR go considering you're from Newtown. I'm glad none of your family members were hurt. I'm sure you still grieve with your neighbors though.

If it would actually make my child safer, I would give up my AR in an instant. My AR is pretty much a range toy as I don't consider it a defensive weapon. I have my Remington 870 for that as well as my pistols.

You mentioned that your round count is very low on your SR1911. Give it a chance to break in and yourself a chance to get used to it. I avoided 1911s for years but I really enjoy them now.

Good luck with your collection!