If you want to see a group who are a little touched

Alan B

New member
Go check these people out, they definately have bats in their belfrey.


it you get in to post be polite, and don't disagree, from what I can tell they don't like people who disagree and will pull your access so fast it will make you head spin.

however if you agree there is no end to the name calling and mayhem they will tolerate.

Alan B

New member
from what I have seen you would get one post before they throw you off and delete your post.

I like reading their posts its like floating in another universe where reality or facts never interfere with a good rant.

All in all its worth the price of admission.


New member
Ahhh! the beauty of hotmail accounts

You want the truth!? You can't handle the truth!

That's the basic air there. I have the record, correct me if I'm wrong, of being banned 12 times now.

My first post was about letting teachers carry on the job. Talk about stepping into a hornet's nest.

Their general attitude about firearms is we're all redneck, racist, homophobes, bent on killing children and old people in wheelchairs.

Course, a few of them admit to having guns, but not wincing when they hear registration/licensing/etc.

It's for the chirrun.


What a site:barf: Just shows how bad this country is getting.No dissention from what I believe or else.What is next,the death camps? These people scare the H**L out of me.So wrapped up in their so called intellects that they consider everyone else subhuman.Would make very good SS men and maybe will if they have their way.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Incredible ...

Good Lord! That site is very educational ... some of us are just lost ... never to return. Sheesh.


New member
Talking about getting banned, these morons are the biggest bunch of closed minded, intellectual fascists I've ever seen!

I found their page through another Shooting board and signed up. I chose a pretty descriptive screen name, to declare my Pro 2nd amendment stance, GunLuvr or something to that effect.

Before I was able to do any posting on the board I was called out of town on business and was gone for about a week. When I got back I saw that they had sent me my password etc via e-mail.

When I tried to get on my User name and password from their e-mail was invalid.

I can only assume that they Killfiled me just because of my User name??? I guess my libertarian "square peg" didn't fit into their leftist ideological "round whole"

From what I understand, the Admin is a "know it all" 17 yr old kid. I can only hope that he is able to pull his head out of his tail and learn to at least respect and maybe learn from other people’s opinions. Until then he can go pi** off as far as I'm concerned

Joel Harmon

New member
That's what these kids are learning nowadays in the government indoctrination camps. They will carry this attitude into adulthood and we will have hell to pay when they march us to the camps.

*Text deleted by Long Path, who feels that, though Joel Harmon's heart is in the right place, his post included language that might just cause some Federal types to get riled up at TFL.*

The second amendment is very clear.

There is no reason that we, as law abiding citizens, should not be able to own the guns we want to own.

*Same as above. --L.P.

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New member
They need to be rounded up and shipped to communist china where they can see the fruits of communism first hand. () and yes, I would feel sorry for the poor chicoms that had top live next to them )

Scott Conklin

New member
I've been at DU since the day they came online. Been banned twice with variations of this name plus at least six more times. I haven't bothered recently because the people dwelling there are fundamentally stupid. not ignorant, not misguided, actually lacking intelligence.

HOWEVER, if anyone would like to organize a genuine invasion I'm game. 20 or 40 people all sweeping in to post at once for an hour or two would have to be interesting...Although I believe these types would shut the board down rather than listen to a differing point of view.

Alan B

New member
I saw this in Joel's post

*Text deleted by Long Path, who feels that, though Joel Harmon's heart is in the right place, his post included language that might just cause some Federal types to get riled up at TFL.*

Well its safe to say the Long Path wouldn't make it as a moderator over on DU. There it only matters that you agree with them... They could care less how you say it.

What I want to know is how do they get a way with letting their posters (only the ones who agree with them) say anything they want. I have seen foul language, threats, name calling and a lot worse. If you disagree with them you better be civil but its not a two way street. (actually all disagreement seems to get squashed pretty quick)

It makes one appreciate the moderators and members here all the more.

And they call us "Highly Aggressive paranoid delusional"

I guess, like vampires, they don't have a reflection in the mirror or they don't look in them.

Heck I stumbled across a set of posts on SUVs... I didn't know that SUVs were the source of evil in the world and were going to be the eventual collapse of modern civilization.

I don't detect a lot of intellectual depth over there but a heck of a lot of pent up emotion, mostly negative/hate.


IMO, it's a good thing these whiners/losers *don't* own firearms.

All that raw emotion without a hint of logic attached could make for a dangerous combo indeed.

Kinda makes you wonder how so many could get so unabidingly stupid...and vicious.

So much for tolerance and diversity! :rolleyes:


New member
Oh, yeah. They're so tolerant and diversified over there at DU that I couldn't even get on the board. They emailed me a password when I signed up, but I couldn't log in...emailed for help and nothing forthcoming from them. So I signed up under a different email address and viola! I could log in. But I was soon banned. I think the problem they had with the first email address had to do with the fact it was KABA.


New member
I really couldn't figure out how they could rebuke the Libertarian principle of private property by pointing to Nazi Germany and Mao's China as private property countries that failed.

... and they really think that the media is conservative.

... and they see budget deficits in the future because of the tax cut, not because of the increased spending.

"Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's money only for wanting to keep your own money."
-Joseph Sobran