If you only had one rifle.....


New member

If you had to leave and could only take one rifle with you, what would it be?

Mine would be a .375 H&H, Mauser action...1.5x-5x Leopold Vari-XIII in detachable rings with a peep backup....

There is nothing I couldn't do with this rifle....

I am interested in your opinions....!!

Joel Slate
Slate & Associates, LLC
The Safari Specialists


New member
Umm...where am I GOING when I leave? And under what circumstances am I leaving? Those would highly influence what rifle I would take.


New member
Mine would be a .375 H&H, Mauser action...1.5x-5x Leopold Vari-XIII in detachable rings with a peep backup....

There is nothing I couldn't do with this rifle....

Could you silently take out a sentry at 30-40 yards without attracting attention? Don't think so. 1000+ yard brain-stem shot with a 5x scope? Do-able I suppose if we're being attacked by giant brain-stemmed creatures from Jupiter. :D

I don't think any one rifle can do it all, and like stated above, it depends on where you're going, what's happeneing etc.

For me, the average of all things would lead me to a .308 bolt or semi, niether of which, for the record, would fit well in my listed scenarios. :)



Moderator Emeritus
The two...

...most likely candidates in this household:



New member
Aw hell, just to cover any scenario I can possibly think of, let's say the Armalite AR10A4 carbine with an Elcan scope.


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Just gentlemen? or can the ladies play to? :p

M-14, no question. Seems to me the "Leatherman" of rifles. No, it's not as good as a tricked out M4 for goblins 10 feet in front of you, it's not as light and handy as a good sporter bolt or lever gun for hunting, and it's not as super-accurate as a snip..er..um.. "long range precision rifle" gun. BUT... it'll do all those jobs adequately.

Plus, with a 5-rounder mag and a wood stock, it looks a heck of a lot more innocuous to the grazers than a FAL or AR-10 or the like.


edited to add the following after seeing Tamara's picture
However, if the Enfield complete with Demon-Eyed CuteKitty attatchment is an option, I might have to change my vote. Heck, one miffed demon kitty is scarier than a dozen .308s! :D


New member
Delving back through my Comic Book collection...

I remember a Disney/Donald Duck character named "One-Gun Duck";) It seems that this character only had one gun, a six-shooter, but he adapted it to every shooting situation conceived of in the comic = long range, fullauto, shotgun, shooting around corners, :rolleyes: you get the idea:D
Within the framework of the question, I'd leave with whatever I could grab,..... and adapt.:p


New member
If I had to leave NOW and could only grab ONE RIFLE...it would be my old Remington 700 ADL in .308 w/Leupold 2.5x10 Vari-X III...never let me down, not likely to....mikey357

Marko Kloos

New member
My choice would definitely be my Enfield No.4 carbine, pictured above (with the optional feline attachment). Fast action, ten round detachable magazine, good accuracy, versatile and easy-shooting caliber, and general handiness make the Enfield my favorite bolt-action rifle.


New member
.223 Kalish. Workable for most needs..very reliable...and uses a government cartridge. Oh course I just admitted in public what I own...nobody tell now...


New member
As far as the 375 H&H is concerned... you can do anything with it?

What about small game, like squirrels or rabbits? I guess you could suck them up with a straw after you shoot them.

Jake 98c/11b

New member
As I have said before, if I could have only one it would be the M1A. I agree with Kaylee, it may not be the best for every situation but it many things well. Long range match, short range defense, large game, small game at short range any accurate rifle can leave the meat by taking the head. Great iron sights are standard as is a good trigger, some damn fine scope mounts are available. One scope too, low power variable is a good comprimise, 1.5-5x or 2-7 are favorites of mine. Being the last of the walnut and steel has it's own appeal as well. If I am not mistaken the Demon Eyed Cutekitty attachment can be made to fit the M1A with only a few simple modifications. How can you go wrong, with current surplus prices ammo is cheap too.

Bob Locke

New member

Saving my nickles and dimes for one right now.

Of my current stock, I'd go for my AR-15. It pretty much stays in a "go" condition (several loaded mags and spare ammo boxes in the case with the rifle), and I can't think of too much that I couldn't get done with it.


New member
I'd grab my AR15 and the ready bag, which contains the .22lr adapter, a full brick of Golden Bullets, 3 10 round magazines for the adapter, 4 full capacity .223 mags and 2 140 round bandoleers.



New member
As of right now, it would be my SLR-95. I'm waiting on my membership card from my CMP affiliated club to get a Garand, I think that will end up being my be-all-end-all. A "non-assault" appearance with plenty of assault capability.


New member
I just gotta pick...

My trusty old 30-06 Bolt gun... easy to find ammo for, good all around gun/caliber, and accurate as all get out...